
Controversy? Please. A couple of fuckwits had a shit fit on Twitter over nothing, then Kotaku published an article giving it more visibility than necessary. 

I don’t understand the obsession we have with ensuring that no crunch happens in gaming studios. Every high pressure job has some level of crunch. I have a few months of it every year as an auditor. Expecting zero crunch from a job like this is foolish to me. The issue should be about TOO MUCH crunch instead, not

I know it’s easy to hate on ads, and “influencers”, and “businesses”...but at the end of the day, money has got to come from somewhere. Your company needs to turn a profit to pay you; everybody’s company, be it start-up or Fortune 500, still needs to make money to pay money.

I’ve encountered this move a few times.

Guy, none of those articles say that fraud collapsed the global economy. Various people were accused criminally and civilly of fraud for various things related to mortgages and the ensuing crisis, but that doesn’t mean those fraudulent activities were important in causing the event. For example, the AIG suit against

I am not arguing Moody’s et al are blameless or that there should not have been consequences...I am just weary of the notion that this was all a cabal of evil bankers and Joe Everydude was completely the end of the day, if you don’t understand what you are investing in, you shouldn’t be investing in

You do realize that having Representative Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement in no way helps (and probably hurts) its chance of success.

You started off with a good article about possible Russian military usage of a beluga whale for spying/something nefarious and then ended that good article with a superfluous political dig that was a concocted reach to link to another article. THAT is what @buckrodgers25thcentury was commenting on. Replying to him

Since you are telling people they can shove their comments up their ass, you can fuck right off too. Nothing he is saying rises to the level of “Breitbart”. CNN has already reported that officials in Sri Lanka have stated that the targets were all intended to target Christian gatherings, that it is Islamic extremists

Already 8 main comments read, and none seems to realize what it’s all about. It’s not about a building, not a symbol of christianism, it’s a matter of 1000 years of something that was in a lot of every single people’s lives.

you seem really butthurt

Nothing, because there literally was nothing to investigate. The problem is anyone with a brain the size of a peanut recognized this, but the media still tried to push the fake story down our throats. And the worst thing? Rather than apologize, we get more bullshit like the lead post from David Boddiger above.

I am still amazed at that reach on the Benjamin reference 

Really. I can’t stand Stephens either, but he definitely came off as the adult in the room here, an adult patiently but gently swatting away spam-children.... This exchange was so embarrassing for Samer, or at least, I felt embarrassed for him because he doesn’t seem to have the sense to do it himself.

And despite all this holds a coveted job at a respected publication. If he’s gonna explain how the world works, perhaps he can explain how he pulled that miracle off. 5-1 it involves blackmail or time on his knees.

So Stephens took the high road and you wrote a bunch of emails that look like they could have been written by an angry 12 year-old, and you actually think that by writing this and copying those emails and publishing them, we’re going to take your side?

Instead, you performed the digital equivalent of sticking your penis out of your trousers. This is very sad, and embarrassing, because (for now) you have so little to show intellectually or professionally speaking.

Just proof that if you think hard enough and get creative enough, you can make anything “offensive”.

So, basically a Space Force makes sense, just not when Trump suggests it.

C’mon. So the check memo field was supposed to read “Staged homophobic racist beating, down payment”?