
I’m confused. If he said the Senate would quarantine, which means no action on any bills related to the corona virus, wouldn’t you be more pissed? Which way would make you least mad?

Holy shit. That’s like ten total people on the entirety of the United States!

Uh that’s not his point.

Sounds incredibly selfish.

What? No. Nobody cares about that. They care because it was fucking stupid.

What? Do you mean Disney and not Pixar? Because they literally do say Disney is working on new Star Wars films.

So now we are criticizing every politician who doesn’t support free healthcare? Fun.

Lol I love people who still add *Impeached whenever talking about Trump. Have you ever seen “Bill Clinton (Impeached)”? No. Because it’s fucking stupid.

I mean his point is the gravitas behind the words, but ya man, keep being incredibly stupid.

That... that... that’s literally an incredibly stupid takeaway from all of this. Holy shit.

Well that’s more just because you don’t understand capital markets than anything.

I am genuinely confused by Gizmodo at this point. Trump does something great and all you do is bitch about it. The fact you don’t understand the symboling gesture of having CEOs (ie the public sector) included in this speech/national disaster declaration is telling.  Your Head is so far up your ass, you can’t even see

Wrong. It spreads less easily than many other flu viruses. You are unequivocally incorrect.

I’m telling you right now. There’s no way this kills six figures. No way.

Can I screen shot this tweet for when < 10,000 die worldwide?

You like to think about this? How fucked up are you?

What about Democrats? I’m confused here. Are you saying only Republicans are at fault?

Haha. Wait. Are you serious?

What? Trump has literally done far, far more (and quicker) than Obama when faced with similar health emergencies. Get over yourself.

Idk. Ask Obama.