
I can’t tell if you’re stupid or just stupid.

Wow dude you’re so cool and trendy. So self aware. I’m so impressed.

So what amazing thing did you see?

Nope. He got shot for literally resisting arrest and then attempting to run. But hey, continue playing the victim.

It’s almost like certain people take everything offensively, while certain people don’t.

What is “unfair” about our healthcare system? You do realize how fairness will be a much more real discussion under a universal healthcare system, right?

Let alone the fact that saying has no relevance to anything he said.

The funny part about Democrats trying is just that.

So it didn’t originate in a lab in China? Which part do you disagree with here?

Lol no

The whole concept of only white people denying global warming is literally racist and offensive.

Long way of explaining that this current event is not nearly as bad as other people are saying. Appreciate the honesty!

Lol can’t tell if this is a joke post. So are you saying communism does or does not create a much poorer society overall? 

The chart literally doesn’t reveal anything of significance.

Unless you don’t understand the concepts of data significance. 60 years of data literally is worthless. We have no way of knowing if this an irreversible trend or a normal cycle of warmer weather. Or what if the early 1900s were much cooler than usual and this is normal?

Kate McKinnon is god awful.

Cecily is great but Kate McKinnon may just be one of the worst cast members of the last decade.

That’s cute that you’re so racist, you think these guys are white.
