
Nope. Because that doesn’t do one thing of the only two nations who are actually contributing to the issue.

It’s almost like you don’t know the first thing about deductive reasoning.

Haha what? What interest have you made  on single name stocks? What a legendary comment.

The fact you had to add that last comment is telling about today’s society. Of course it’s fine to say that.

The fact you had to add that last comment is telling about today’s society. Of course it’s fine to say that.

What game? Never heard of it.

Why isn’t the dog a black lab?

I feel bad for your little girl hissy fit today. 

Boom. The victimhood by the Deadspin writers is laughable. It’s all self inflicted.

False. They’re firing employees for being shitty employees.

“And it’s not even good content!” should be Deadspin’s motto.

So her post is exact like all of Barack’s towards Michelle?

Joe Buck is “much-aligned”?

Out of all the dumb questions, this may be the dumbest. I doubt she could even touch the net.

This car shouldn’t be anymore than $35k. $50k is borderline hilarious.

What a stupid thing to say.

It’s almost like you didn’t even attempt at reading the proposal. 

You had me until 3. Good God what a stupid thing to say.

It’s so cool and trendy how you brought race into this.

Says the non-athlete.

Why not get weird and try for Mourinho?