
Deadspin is so ducking stupid.

Now if only you could recommend cars as well as you understand them...

Dude. Thanks for sharing.

What do you mean by “regrettable politics”?

Wait what? How did you bring race into this?

Fun convo until politics (yet again).

Wait? You don’t think he should have been fined? My God, 2019 needs to end.

He’s a “racist shithead” for making a comment in a joking manner? Good god.

No rich person in history would give someone shit for buying a $30k Honda Civic/Accord.

No you’re not. You’re obviously trolling.

You truly don’t know anything about politics, friend. Take a few days off commenting.

Don’t give CNBC any ideas.

...uh there have been movies on that very topic.

Joker is a man who unknowingly incites violence and hatred and becomes a leader because of those warped ideas. Sound familiar?”

Wait. You think the Bills are a bad team? 

Meanwhile, nobody asks you to do anything.

Good. He should be booed.

News Flash: older people think differently than young people. Shocking.

Thanks, Laura! Hey, does Deadspin have any interns currently? If so, how much are they paid?

Haha this is just flat out false.