
AOC is the light-up badge personified.

It’s not uncommon these days for the GOP to try to use Israel as an analogue for the idea of a [white] nation-state here in America. Trump et al. want to legitimize nationalism here by pretending to give a shit about Jews. Any dissenting opinion—even from American Jews—is painted as anti-Semitic.”

Believe it’s a bit more complex than that, but I digress.

I’ve watched and read multiple times. What was anti-Semitic?


I am deeply offended Sub-Zero will be portrayed by a man.

It’s deadspin.

No because there’s a common image of Jesus we all use. While he doesn’t necessarily have to be white, we can all agree he has longer hair and a beard.

Haha the fact Deadspin is focusing on this non-story rather than the very real possibility it may not exist as an entity in a few years is very telling. Literally the least self-aware website this side of the Washington Post.

Now that’s just plane scary.

Can we just laugh at Maddon’s bullpen mismanagement instead?

This is an absolute epic level of deflection.

Oppression now travels 100 mph+!!!

Why isn’t this on Splinter or The Root?

Wait... what?

Yes, actually you should spell it out.

But cartsinky no worse than killing babies, right?

Add another digit to that Chicago L renovation. You’re crazy if you think that will remain on budget.

Kinda like how all white people are grouped together on The Root and Splinter?

How’s it racist? I’m genuinely interested.