
I’ve read your entire post multiple times... what exactly is racist here?

I truly feel sorry for you that you’re this threatened by Republicans. You must be one miserable little baby.

This is AOC in the form of a car.

Dang, we need to send AOC there ASAP.

Think you missed the joke.

Ok? Democrats say the same shit.

Wait. A $90,000+ Dodge. Hahahaha

Lol no

I don’t think you understand how his net worth is increasing.

Wait... what? That’s literally one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.

What does being Republican have to do with this? Do you think the outcome would have been any different if they were controlled by Democrats?

Cards fans are the best.

3rd option (one that will probably happen) is it’s a combination of 1 and 2. They’ll find a way of showing some of the footage without making Lewis/Mercedes look too bad.

Actually this is way more AOC than Trump.

Wait. Wait. Wait. You thought the moderators were biased towards pro-Republican talking points?! My god.

So now Jalopnik is straight up encouraging people to run from the police?

Genuinely pleased Deadspin didn’t choose the “Because of racism” approach.  

With his arm.

Wait. You think fetuses are less important than an actual human woman?

Why can’t they sell fetuses?