
Different than this post how, exactly?

Just when you think Splinter couldn’t get any more stupid...

It’s an absolutely stupid thing to criticize Trump Jr. for and you know it.

Ya, man, I also find stories about fictional people and races highly offensive. Like dang.... he called them “foreign” and “strange”?! That’s so offensive.

You do realize a “Sanctions are Coming” meme that’s anti-Trump has been circulating for a while now, right? Where was the trademark infringement talk then?

No, I completely understand. I just find the “trademark misuse” stuff hilarious.

Shake your head why? It was very clearly a joke... and one that women find hilarious. But since it’s Jezebel, you’ve found the 30+ women who don’t find it funny and thing they speak for everyone else.

Noted for the next time a boy does something similar.

I like Jezebel’s “Fuck Men, Fuck Everything They Do” approach. It’s very obvious Ariana is in the wrong here, but hey, she’s a she.

Back when F1 was a spectacle. Now it just sucks.

But he’s not pro Fascist.

But if Obama or Biden were to do this: “Wow they’re so funny!! They connect to kids so well!” I love 2018 politics.

He’s gonna be gone in four years. Just wait.

Just like what you’re trying to do... you’re too busy figuring out how to turn his reaction to an awful tragedy into votes, you can’t even recognize irony anymore.

There it is... we found a total dumbass.

Literally nothing Trump does is good enough for you. 

How do I do this howdy thing?

His bad boy / tough guy stuff is pretty annoying.

Wait, you actually played this game thinking it’d simulate the real world? May be time for you to put your console(s) away for a little while.

They have to be threatened to work overtime? I work in a salaried position and don’t believe I’ve worked a 40 hour week in years. I typically average somewhere around 50-60 hours. Hasn’t anyone threatened me to work this amount? No. I do it to 1) get ahead on projects so I don’t have to do 80 hours/week and 2) to