
Why the anti-Trump comment at the end? 

How are Republicans nazi monsters? You do undersatans how unbelievably idiotic and bigoted that comment is, right?

This is very clearly the obvious reason why, but that doesn’t generate clicks. Websites like Jalopnik are unintentionally being mysoginistic, simply because they refuse to acknowledge women athletes should be evaluated similarly to men.

Holy shit. You have a couple examples of anecdotal evidence, thus it must be true! Face it: boys and girls are interested in different things. 

The story itself is extremely interesting. The sensationalized headline to become PC us just unnecessary/

I’m confused... what do you mean it looks exactly like I think it would?

Can I ask you two questions? 1) Do you work in a salaried position? 2) Do you always work no less than 40 hour weeks?

What do you mean by “injustice”? Seriously.

You sound like you would be fun at parties. This, of course, assumes you’ve ever been invited to a party.

Is there a way to unsubscribe to cosplay posts? Find them exceedingly awkward.

How is Mike Trout not on this list?

This anti-company shit needs to stop. Rockstar is a business, just like the ones we all work for... we are all expected to put in extra effort when huge deadlines are looming. Why this is somehow a Rockstar issue is beyond me.

How you still have a job is beyond me.

Except for jezebel. That site truly sucks.

Unfortunately, sites like Jezebel and The Root popped up. 

Who said anything about 80+ hour weeks?

Who said anything about a regular 100 hour work week? Did you read anything in the article above?

As it should be.

This is a perfect example of what’s so fucked up about today’s society. Tight deadlines happen. When this inevitably occurs, a company is well within its right to ask people to put more time in. However; they’re not allowed to force anyone to do this.... that being said, it certainly is a good barometer of who is

You’re a pretty weird guy, Ace.