
Kinja and crappy experience are mutually exhaustive.

What “crime” did he commit? Now I know you’re trolling but seriously...?

I honestly love this post. Not because of the content, but because of your anger. If you think anything is “proved” by anything you posted, then there’s really nothing else to say. If it was “proved”, why wouldn’t it be a bigger deal? It’s one man’s word / circumstantial evidence against another’s. Again, lest you

I’m unsure what “y’all think he turned down?” implies when the article literally cites more people in Trump’s camp saying he did nothing than said he did something. Face it, dude, this pee tape story is equally as moronic as any stupid HRC fanatical moronic story. They’re all stupid.

Holy shit he spent like $500 on Steam games? What a massive story.

Hahaha perfect response. You made an idiotic comment, got called out on it, and deflect that your comment was not “representative of all Democrats”. Literally perfect stuff.... as I am more than happy to share countless examples where one idiot Republican is used to personify “everything that’s wrong with the Right”.

THAT’S what you took from this story?

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or if you just didn’t read the first article. 

Link to Trump’s camp admitting they sent prostitutes?

And not a single writer from Deadspin has been poached. Wonder why...

Dissimilar to the Russia pee tapes how, exactly?

What does being white have to do with anything? There are plenty of bad actors from all races. 

“In February of 2017, at some conservative event in Maryland, Donald Trump said that Paris was a ruined city because too many brown and black people live there now.”

Oh Jesus. Democrats REALLY are against the Constitution, aren’t they? Now you’re arguing against the usage of the electoral college? Classic.

This is Earther. They intentionally distort the truth to make things seem much worse than they really are... they also don’t know the difference between weather and climate, but that’s a discussion for a different day.

This is easily the worst concept I’ve ever seen.

Explain. How’s he wasting money?

That has to be top 5 least funny things I’ve ever heard. Not in the sense that it’s anti-Trump, but more in the sense that it was something I’d be embarrassed if my five year old wrote.

And yet the Democrats claim Russia is the reason why they lost the last Presidential election. No, it’s because the Republicans are much, much better at the whole campaigning thing.

In what alternate reality has Tiafoe shown any semblance to being the “future of US tennis”??? Sure, he’s entertaining, but he’s nowhere close to being in the same breath as damn near everyone else mentioned in this post.