
Haha... surely you jest.

Acting like all Christians are bad makes you no better than the Nazis... you do understand that, right?

Holy shit, you mean TheRoot lied about something (again) that made a large group of people look bad? Hmmm sounds like another group in the 30s and 40s in Europe.

This is the Deadspin we can now expect.

“Many” are? Please provide sources.

Ya, why isn’t everyone so clear and level headed when it comes to sports, like Deadspin?

lol such a stupid comment

After admitting you don’t watch sports, you probably should have just stopped. It’s very clear why certain positions are paid higher salaries than others. The fact those positions are played predominately by white peoples is more happenstance than anything else.

Ok, so?

The most talented Niners by far are the ones who still can’t find a job because they took a knee for the fucking anthem.”

I still have yet to be convinced in the slightest that Urban did anything wrong here. I’m genuinely waiting to be told otherwise, but it’s pretty clear he did everything he should have outside of notifying the media... which is now why they are victimizing him.

Alex Jones says the exact same shit as TheRoot, only from the other side’s perspective. Both clearly distort the truth. Unfortunately, one is white.

Because the Board is directly influenced by share price. 

Haha sweet content here, Deadspin.

Love how that’s the putdown you chose. 

I’m not remotely close to being an OSU fan, but I have enough sense to know Urban did nothing wrong here. I do genuinely respect the university for investigating something that is very clearly not worth investigating, when the end result will be Urban being totally absolved.

This take can’t be serious, right? Right...?

No, but that’s mainly because I don’t care about things that aren’t worth caring about... found that to be a pretty nice way to live.

So this particular baby whale died after only 30 minutes of life because of climate change? Got it.

Actually, I think Urban Meyer’s position makes complete sense. Why would Urban go to the media in a situation that hasn’t been completely confirmed or even fully investigated by the authorities? Did Deadspin/Gawker write anything about the pending investigation/court case regarding Hulk Hogan? Was the blogger who