
How true. My high school girlfriend’s dad loved tinkering with motors and hated smog equipment. We were driving back from some formal dinner one night with her at the wheel of her father’s tan, 4 door, 318 powered Aspen one night, she driving in a poofy dress, me in a powder blue tux, when a couple of guys in one of

So, everyone is excited about it, but not enough to open it and take a picture...

Rich, Hollywood Producer gets speeding ticket dismissed. That ain’t even worthy of the back page.

Is there a Mercedes motorcycle?

The legendarily reliable slant six, powerplant to everything from drag racers to New York taxi’s. I am pretty sure that a couple of experimental aircraft had them too.

That is only half an XT5 or a third of an Escalade. This does not seem like enough to be profitable.

It has a top speed of 45mph, 62 hp and the reason it is useless to you is that you cant plate it?


Carbon fiber panels are both stronger and lighter than steel, but they are not harder or tougher than steel. The epoxy matrix will scratch easily. Also damage to hard working steel pickup beds could be painted and ignored (or just ignored) damage that does occur to composite beds will spread under normal flexing and

Since somebody is just going to throw a 62 pound rubber mat over it then add another 100 pounds of bed cover to keep it looking nice, what GM has really done here is make their truck heavier AND more expensive, but make it look like they didn’t.

Maybe the guy smelled like tennis balls.

Just a tiny little crack..... in the block.

I didn’t see these comments here until you put them here.

When I heard “Idiots on a freeway with off road vehicles” I just assumed white people. Is that racist?

Get rid of winter and you have a deal!

“as much as 61 percent of ride-hailing trips wouldn’t have been made at all if the option didn’t exist”

But what if they were bespoke spectacles? The bespokspectacled man.