
cannot unsee moving seats...

It won’t drop as much pressure as humid compressed air, but it will drop pressure. It is a real gas, not magic unicorn farts.

Three large? Crack pipe. Cutting it out with a laser cutter instead of a jig saw doesn’t make it worth more.

You are confusing long haul trucks with drag race cars. Common mistake.

Listed as an option, not excluded by warranty, you sir may have a case.

Imagine, people throwing out good helium like that.

Talk about seeing what you want to see. I totally ignored wing shape and other details.

Are they compensating for something? Well of course they are. For one, they are compensating for the fact that people don’t just naturally come with 650 horsepower V8's.

What’s the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?

+1 for Tomcat trap.

Everybody is talking about respecting the environment, yet every campsite I go to is trashed. I must have a magical internet connection to some other Earth.

It does seem like a tidy little package though. Like say, something someone could pull off a wrecked one and apply to their commuter car.

It don’ matter boss, cause you gonna have to pay it anyway...

TLDR: Look at the sky when it is dark.

The speed chime is probably not a warning, but rather a thankful prayer that you may travel in such speed and efficiency, like with the Betazoid dinner ceremony.

You are still using suppositories to time travel? Hello, 1960 just called wanting its time travel technology back!

Ahem... “Check Engine”
We just wanted to give you a vaguely uneasy feeling about your vehicle without telling you ONE STINKING THING about the matter in question.

Did not see where it says that the bathroom is smaller, just the sink. Also, the Interior of the aircraft is bought separately, so the bathroom problem is not with the 737 but with the airline.

Car dealers?

Couldn’t they just say they have AWD? If my facebook feed has taught me anything, it is that people will just accept any old thing someone else tells them.