
I think you may need to unfold your map one more time. Also it may be interesting to note that Alaska is not actually the island off the coast of Texas, like it looks.

I want that lady’s voice on my nav system.

Normally, I would argue to the contrary, but just this once, I think I can agree and still be hated and feared.


Ron Cadillac approves this comment.

Here at ford ranch we are famous for breeding Raptors with Mustangs to make new Rancheros, but we also breed Fiestas with old Festivas to make light weight subcompact sports cars.

He took a trip to Iceland and ended up with no money to his name by the time to board the plane home. There could be darn good reason for that, but I am thinking the advice Pat is putting out is less, “Try not being poor” and more “Make better financial decisions.”

I can dig it!

If you do this, do it with style.
Mustang, Camaro, Charger, Challenger, Corvette, you know, big American muscle. Most (95%) of what you are about to do are long stretches of highway, exactly what these cars were born and bred to do. For all but the Corvette, you can get a 10 year old version with a V6 that will tickle

Minimal investment maximum return for Land Rover.

This is nothing. Having been in a UH-60 outfit I have seen way worse stuff than that with no consequences. Experience is a great teacher and you get experience by screwing up.

Most likely arach is already dead, its lifeless husk going through the motions of vitality in a profane mummery of the living, shambling through the streets moaning, “signal, siiiignallll...”

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And Mine, Right in the feels buddy...

So, every guy wearing black and driving a buggy is Amish to you? That’s profiling, that is.

Debadge, cue ball shifter, MANUAL, Recaro seats, plenty of horsepower and that deep green. I am all in! they could call it the fairy princess prancing pony for sissies edition and I would still love it.

Since you will never actually see it in the wild, Nessie?

Sure as heck wasn’t a lug wrench!

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Dozens of local children happy due to impromptu renovation of dentists office.

“Delay in Block” is a good you tube channel for train videos. The production quality is high.