All that, and what I heard was, “We’ve added cupholders.” Sorry Mike, the rest of the world beat you to that punch by ten years. You never had a chance, but thanks for playing, it shows a good spirit.
All that, and what I heard was, “We’ve added cupholders.” Sorry Mike, the rest of the world beat you to that punch by ten years. You never had a chance, but thanks for playing, it shows a good spirit.
It is a milage improvement of 1,250,000% so pulse and glide for the win.
Jason, allow me a moment to express my sympathy. I know the only reason you did any research on this at all was in the forlorn hope that it would be some new form of indicator light, possibly with semaphore arm.
That is nearly 300 feet per minute of climb at 65mpg roughly 4'8" per second. For comparison, on a 0.25% grade a locomotive can only pull half the tonnage it normally can. So not inconsiderable.
Why don’t these guys get paid overtime? Are garbage collection companies considered motor carriers?
It’s just way too much easier to believe that everything in this article is based on lies and no actual cars will ever be produced.
Unlike the real Edison, who just stole Tesla’s everybodys ideas.
FINALLY! My excuse to post this!
Quote the thief, “This isn’t vodka, its just distilled water!”, then throwing the bottle against the wall.
What a loving and thoughtful gift and the surprise will make it just perfect. Now I am not a friend of yours, this is certainly true and I would NEVER deserve such a gift from ANYONE, but I am certain that your friends will never be able to adequately express their feelings towards such a gift, even though they will…
It is nice that the 5 pictures he did take are of the mural, the one thing nobody else would want on this car.
Clean as the day it was totaled!
We told you to quit talking to people on the bus. It’s killing ridership.
You forgot, “I kno what I got.” and “No tire kickers”
“I bet they’re not thinking of a housecat with horns and sin in its heart, though.”
Well, you have heard it here first. By 2040 everyone in California will own a vehicle that weighs more than 10, 000 pounds.