I’ve argued with these sort of morons over the interwebz quite a bit, as the Toyobaru community has quite a few of them (mostly of the Initial-D wannabe street drifting sort).
Many are ignorant to the number of legal and affordable venues for such automotive shenanigans, which is kinda dumb in its own right since…
Festivus for the Messed Up of Us
I’m sorry, but I’ve never been able to see what makes a car “cab forward”. I have an art degree, for chrissakes, but I can’t see it. Can Torchinsky make some doodles or something?
“if I was renting a car the rental agency would fix it”
The ritual is very simple.
Reminds me I have to make an appointment for a colonoscopy.
That’s 185 degrees Farenheit. At what point did Bugatti figure it should test at temperatures that don’t exist on Earth? Are Bugatti owners rich enough to ship their cars to other planets and or nearby stars?
Oh, by the way, transporters have 100% mortality rate
That’s a crane fly though, not a mosquito. They’re in Alaska too (and presumably other parts of the US) but don’t get that large. Maybe an inch and a half to two inches across or so if you count their ridiculous floppy legs. They basically navigate by flying into things repeatedly, like an aerial wet noodle.
Admit it, you would do inexplicable sexual things period.
Blackfly is an incredibly stupid name.
“Trump shits on butts for doing poops after doing pee pee that forced butts to do poops”
Harley is already in the ground. The only question is how fast the dirt is being shoveled in and how fast they can shovel it back out. Right now, the grave-diggers are winning.
Recently, their Marketing folks made a (very) limited number of very retro bicycles (HD was originally a bicycle company.) Maybe they should…
Except this doesn’t work here because Harley has been failing for a long time now. Hell, last year they tried to get Ducati to buy them just to stay afloat a little longer.
Will the tariffs kill Harley? No. But they are another strike at the legs of a wobbly stool and soon it is going to tumble.
That’s what I don’t get. I’d think the mayor would prefer to fly business class commercial, but I guess this was probably free and the NYPD doesn’t have a nicer plane lying around.