
Technically you’re correct, however . . .

TW-200; one wheel drive, 12Hp, no limits, all smiles. This is the revenge that I began plotting when my mom told six year old me I could not have a mini bike.

To be fair, the American Dental Association made some really good points.

Well, the real test is can it be used as an adventure bike. So, I suppose I will withhold judgement until I see it parked in front of a Starbucks.

This just in, aircraft does perfectly normal thing. People freak out because of camera angle and the fact that they have no idea how planes work.

“It actually started life as the furthest one could ever get from an actual Veyron - a 2001 Mercury Cougar” I think you meant to say Dodge Aries K.

You give me that! I mean right now, just give it to me and there won’t be any trouble. You know what, just put the dang keys on the ground and step away.

If this data were even close to true, why put the tech in a supercar of which they are sure to sell tens of (maybe ones of?) when the same tech could go into a light commuter plane that would sell thousands at a similar price point.


Stop right there cowboy! You get them thinking about names that sell and someone will suggest they call it BRONCO!

A picture of all Bronco models currently in development.

Gather round my beat up ol’ trashcan kids, and let this old gray tomcat tell you a tale of the ancient 80's.

I have HAD that training (AMA). It turns out, that it is actually easier to get out of a submerged helo when it is upside down because, buoyancy replaces gravity as the primary force acting on stuff, keeping straps and gear out of your way and planting your feet to the deck so you can move normally. Once out of the

Obviously, you don’t know any helicopter pilots.

Seriously, the cover GIF on this article is just porn for A-10 pilots.


OR having to explain to some louie that there is nothing wrong with the %$&^$@ yaw string, he just needs to learn to fly in a straight line!

OR having your weekend ruined because “Maverick” decide he dropped fod in the cockpit because that would get him to his 3pm tee time on a sunny Friday!

OR replacing a never to be sufficiently cursed flap/slat asymmetry detector that came fresh out of intermediate maintenance only to stiff wing a bird on the first time out!