I personally blame Jeff Hardy.
I do like this outside-the-wine-box thinking.
Glad to see someone got a ahold of Bartolo Colon’s childhood home movies.
So I guess him and Riley Cooper will fight any N word there.
Somewhere, John Smoltz just threw away his Hall Of Fame ring.
Kyle Brady over Warren Sapp... That stings just typing it.
The better question: Is this a dress or window drapes?
One sentence: "How big are your foot-long subs?"
This is missing some "Your momma" snaps to really make it a legit fight.
I'd like to dig into his timeline. Except he blocked me. Which was probably valid. But it still made my day.
He's an InfoWars conspiracy theorist nut. That's where he got it from.
Enjoy your show. Enjoy your life...
So to summarize his point- Science too complicated for simple football goof. Creationism much easier.
This is nerd inception.
That was right after they ran up to the review booth and shot up the monitors.