

HaLow. It’s me.

I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet.

Welp, I sure as hell need that leptin blocking pill cause this is me every time I run.

The big difference is that skateboards are cool....

My personal agenda is not having the world vaporized in a nuclear holocaust. Yours is to wage a holy Crusade.

What you’ve said is partially true, but you’ve glossed over some major logical and factual issues in a personally slanted attempt to push an agenda which has no logical or practical solution (aside from blowing up the planet).

That’s fine and all, but I’ll just take a cabin that looks like this.

Ask Factory Five is my advice.

My macs at work and home both have a trusty, $25, much more ergonomic Logitech mouse, which uses AA Eneloops. Cheap and easy. This mouse is nonsense.

Having received a Computer Science degree, it was actually been pretty damn useless. Most of the time (15 years later) I can just say “I remember taking a class about that”. But to be fair, by time finished degree had learned to hate programming.

I have a degree in Computer Science from an engineering school (CS was in the department of engineering — I think this matters on some level). There was also an MIS type degree under the school of business. I’ve been in the workforce for over 20 years. Some of my co-workers have had high school (or equivalent)

I don’t know who would argue Apple cables won’t break as fast. At least 75% of the people I have known with Apple products are on their 3rd or 4th cable or have patched theirs with electrical tape. Apple cables are absolute trash.

The ones on my 2009 GTI were great, very intuitive. Just a slight push on the stalk got 3 blinks, push until click for the “normal” blinker.

why dont they try shaving a few mm off their stupid camera lense that is still sticking out of the phone then trying to make the headphone jack disappear. Perhaps they can make the phone 1mm thicker instead and increase the battery life durastically and that would fix the stupid camera thing...

Are you having a stroke?

This story only starts out like a horror story. It was horrible for me at the time. My boyfriend and I were celebrating our first Thanksgiving together. It was also just a couple years since my Mom died, a loss which had blasted a huge hole in our family. We scattered after that and had Thanksgivings either alone or

Now, now, now, wait.. just wait a damn minute... so HE is the one who was “lost” not all of the things? So, she was helping to remind him who they were and who he was? ??!!?!?!? IS THAT WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?!?!?! CAUSE I HAVE A LOT OF FEELS ABOUT THIS!!!!! RIGHT IN MY HEART-SHAPED FEELS CONTAINER!

This would be much more impressive if they fixed the cables going below the bare frame, to the MIDDLE of the bare frame, not inches away (and symmetrically fore-and-aft) from the cable suspending the frame.

Thank god there are still hot singles in my area that want to fuck me now.