
As if it wasn't enough of a pain to asemble furniture already, soon you'll have to flood your entire living room for a day.

Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. First of all...

Uh oh. Does that mean that if I go "uuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrr uuuuuh..." before speaking, there's a buffering error in my Broca's Area?

Sigh. Foot...

/Sells stock in Upworthy

This is exactly why I couldn't afford a WRX or STI.... really really annoying when idiots ruin great cars for the rest of us.


I'd started editing video with two VCRs and a CD player. Mixing The Simpsons with Weird Al to make crude music videos. It was that year in high school that I realized you could put video into the computer and use the computer to manipulate it. I wouldn't stop talking about the ATi All In Wonder 128 AGP graphics &

Hideously delicious! ;)

"Why do you think all the other manufacturers arent really bothering with electricity particularly, save for a bit of publicity?"

You have no idea, in a sea of automotive sameness, how much joy this front end brings me. I love that it looks like anime brought to life. Sure it's ugly; but at least it's interesting.

most of the harry stuff would just be pictures of his face with incomplete sentences written next to it tbh

Oh my. Why is there never information regarding who, where, why and how? Just images. I would love to know where this is.

And barf on your couch once a month.

Looks like a dead roach.

Looks like a dead roach.

More science backing up the stupidity of open plan offices. Fuck all you "trendy" startups, tech companies and other companies too cheap to put your most important resource in work environments that are actually conducive to productivity. Open plan offices DO NOT encourage serendipity, communication or productivity.

I'm not very good at wrapping, so can I just put the gift inside the tote and call it good?

I love that first story. We can all have a laugh and nobody comes away with bad feelings. =)

Converting Nutella to diamonds would be a downgrade.