
So you're saying it's the metal that won't cop out when there's heat all about?

How much overlap is there in the Venn Diagram of the two sets:

I guess I'm weird because I miss the old old style. Paginated results, filename and source URL beneath each picture and clicking a picture takes you directly to the actual picture.

I'm ready...

With the important work of rehabilitating freckles done, let's turn our attention to reclaiming the beer gut.

Hey hey, let's try to give them credit where credit is due. They're also a joke in many other areas.

No way. Louisiana has been trying to tell people Nutria tastes good for decades. It's all lies. Giant river rats taste like the swamps they came out of. Trust my first hand knowledge of this. I would rather eat possum dip and moon pies with a PBR than Nutria.

Don't forget to throw in some transparent aluminum! ^_^

There's a point to Kinja? Because it's failing miserably. Comments around here were 200x better a couple years ago. Old articles popping up make it all too obvious.

I just love that they KEPT IT HIDDEN. Have you ever had a gift for somebody that you were so excited to give them but had to keep secret? It's torture, in the very best way. Now imagine that the gift you're hiding is a secret freaking room, that the person you're hiding it from is your kid, and that this kid gets to

Let me be clear: When I say that a secret treasure room may be the best birthday present ever, I don't mean to say that it is the greatest birthday present ever for a four year old, I mean that it is the greatest birthday present ever, full stop. You know, in case anyone reading this is wondering what to get me for my

You should probably turn in your jalop card now...

Best drone of all time? USA?

She better hope that kid doesn't have a blowout all over that couture. I even put towels down before my fully clothed kid nursed because she would poop UP HER BACK. The first time it happened, it was so loud and messy that I thought I broke her.

Damn, I read the headline as "Now you can control your Telsa with your sandwich"

My heart broke a little with every piece of chocolate that hit the floor. What a waste.


Maybe I AM your dad! You never call anymore.