
I think it broke down, not stuck. If it was stuck, he would have driven the rest of the way under his own power. (i only watched until 2:53)

And they share these problems with a hell of a lot of people who are not in porn, who nonetheless have kids.

Or in your drum room!

I may be the only one that did this but, I highly suggest that you turn on the captions and enjoy the hilarity that ensues!!!

And everytime you gently touch those silky smooth, concave curves, you get rough, hairy, convex manmeat.
...This does not align with my fetishes :c

Pretty sure Jones makes that flavor.

Or just a disgruntled construction worker. I recall when Verizon was on strike where I was many many years ago some rogue worker took a bucket truck and snipped all the lines going across the street all the way down some streets, knocking out phone and DSL.

A construction worker with a back hoe and a texting device would be worse....


You can't fool me, I watched Scrubs!

I think you should demand that they submit to a piss test before they get their free turkey dinner.

Have the voice of GLADOS and I will use Waze exclusively! I will even be taking the wrong turns on purpose:

Just skip the baby shower, and send me a pregnancy announcement with your PayPal. I will send you some money not to sit through another hell where people think that melting candy bars on diapers constitutes "fun".

Annie are you Oakley? Annie are you Oakley? Are you Oakley, Annie?

Wow that headline confused me. Just an FYI, when it comes to cars "Overhead Cams" already exist and are a thing and have absolutely nothing to do with cameras.

These give me a real bad feeling. See, my Aunt Cathy tried to sell these at the Kiwanis Club bake sale last month and then Gladys Martin, who was vice president of the Kiwanis two years ago, filed a formal complaint about 'offensive sex cookies' served 'within in the gaze of children.' This sparked a whole thing with

Fuck the internet. I discover my music the old fashioned way, the pure way, the right way.