
Probably right about the financing though. If you can get like 3% it’s not that hard to beat that in the market.

He's got a good point though. I think one reason Prius drivers are so bad is all the useless information about mileage etc on the dash. This is worse.

Definitely. 5 stars!

Fuckin' Leo. That dude is great. 

They forgot to mention that he put a Ferrari sticker on it. 

All I know is that if he moves into my neighborhood, I’m moving out.

A million years ago, airports and airlines handled security. They still had standards, but because their focus was not political, they were much more efficient than the TSA. Most of what the TSA does is absolutely useless. When they were first formed, other countries laughed at the US because the processes were so

If you haven’t already checked it out, Ubiquiti and others have some pretty fantastic long range networking equipment. If you can see a neighbor with internet from the roof, you could probably add a radio on each roof and piggyback on their internet connection.

Getting people to use a new service is hard, but taking credit cards and talking to processors isn't. They aren't competing with PayPal. They're just charging existing customers.

They've got to be used to it by now. I used some of their stuff years ago, and while the hardware is pretty solid, the software was not so good. 

I'm convinced that all the people writing about shorting companies either have an undisclosed interest in the stock or they are mentally deficient. 

Maybe, but the GOP is amazing at rallying people to vote against themselves.

Finding a new payment service or creating one isn’t that hard. The latter is mostly just a pain in the ass with all the PCI compliance stuff. I think the big problem is that they got greedy and went for outside money. The solution is for all content providers to just abandon it and let it fail. VC money is usually

I think the Prius is a terrible car for a kid. It’s basically a video game on wheels with all the stupid animations and eco crap in the dash. It also has garbage tires that obviously make driving them difficult. The Prius would be very low on my list of suitable cars.

I learned on my boss’ car in rush hour traffic at about 19 or so. I was watching her house while she was out of town, and so she loaned me her car so I could get to class. A quick run around the neighborhood with my dad telling me what to do, and I was let loose in bumper-to-bumper fun. I don’t recall it being

Uh, everything they do is ripped off from somewhere else. Apple is a packaging and marketing company. They’ve never hidden this fact.

Update: The 12v battery died, and it’s what powers the relays etc... that allow the power to go to the drive batteries. Tesla replaced it and everything is working now.

We do treat addiction like that and it doesn’t work. You are focused on the symptoms, not the disease.

In my area it’s all police stations, so maybe it’s they way the stations are laid out?

Assume no data is deleted ever. It may be archived and not easily accessible online, but there are backups.  Even in the new European GDPR laws the data is just encrypted, and that’s only what has to be encrypted. Anything a company needs for bookkeeping or compliance is saved off. There are various reasons for it.