
I actually respect people like this guy a lot more than people who try to restrict abortion with exceptions for rape and incest. If you actually think abortion is murder, why allow any exceptions? The anti-abortion rights people who support rape and incest exceptions either (a) recognize there’s a difference between

I knew before even opening up this article that she’d have dreadlocks.

I think what bothers me about this story is her immigration status. I know a lot of people from unstable countries overstay their visas or enter the country illegally and that I understand. But some rich French woman doing because what the heck, she feels like it really irks me. And then just getting deported for a

Rich people are always like this, and always in such a patronising way. I was once having a little grumble about how the wealthier customers of my family’s small business were always the ones who tried to haggle over the stupidest, cheapest shit, and yet the vast majority of them got rich through owning their own

Why do you keep saying that. This woman and most women who do this are STILL MARRIED and are doing it for giggles. I’m not sure why you think it’s all about spurned brides. The woman who drowned was happily married and was doing it for fun. The woman in the video above also did it for fun. But you somehow keep coming

I always thought it was more of a final attention seeking thing brides did after the wedding. I could be wrong, but 95% of the shoots I've seen are just newlywed brides making their like new gown unusable for anyone else just for funsies so they can have a camera on them one more time.

Yeah, I’m all for improved mental health care, as well as greater compassion for people dealing with mental health problems, but at the same time I think that it is demeaning towards people who are struggling with mental issues to automatically assume that everyone who does something reprehensible must need treatment.

Could just be an asshole. I have mental issues but would never occur to me to do that

We’re probably going to do a longer post on that eventually—NOBODY KNOWS! But for now, here.

Thinking this through logistically, it doesn’t even make sense. Your “mark” could have a seat 15 rows in front or behind you. They’ll be long gone by the time you are at the point where you need their help. Is this advice you’ve even used? Have you ever ACTUALLY done this? It’s obvious it wouldn’t work.

Now that you've been educated about the job descriptions of flight attendants (most of which are grayed out), perhaps you should invite a flight attendant to write a counterpoint. Or at least "Ask a Flight Attendant."

If you can’t carry your own bag then it’s not really a carry on bag, is it? I’m also 5’2 and have fit enough shit for two months abroad in an actual regulation carry on size bag and have literally zero issues putting it in the overhead bin. If you can’t lift it then it’s too big and too heavy and you should check it.

I hate to be one of “those” people but just check your bag. Seriously. I am also 5’2 and I can ALWAYS lift my bag over my head, and I’m not a crazy cross fit person. I don’t even work out. It is seriously my biggest pet peeve when people who should have checked their bags, and have bags WAY too heavy and big for the

Not to deny the reality of the problem for you, but I’m shorter than you and kind of slight and practically an old lady, and — while admittedly it’s awkward — it’s never been a problem for me to lift, I don’t know, maybe 30 lbs’ worth of luggage and put it up there? (Getting the bag back out is trickier, because you

“seasoned business traveler (these people are more likely to judge you and relish in watching you suffer).”

I’m 5 foot nothing and have never had a problem with the overhead bins. I actually hate it when random men (I’ve never had a woman do this) try and help me by grabbing my bag out of my hands without asking - I just hate that they automatically assume I’m too weak to manage it. Suitcases really aren’t that heavy.

so long as your carry-on is within the size limits

Interesting. I’m a very small person (5”1’, 95 lbs), and I find it alright to lift my things into the overhead bin. After reading this, I’m wondering if it’s because my clothes are lighter, too? I very rarely fill up my carry-on, though.

This is wonderful trolling and I look forward to more of your work. Unless you are serious. In which case: