
My thoughts exactly... at MINIMUM not let him patrol alone anymore, make him ride with someone at all times... I get that maybe it would have blown the investigation if he had been tipped off for some reason, but we have at least one more victim because of that decision, which is unacceptable.

Sorry, why exactly should we give a fuck about this? Are selfies that accurate a measure of your ~inability to connect with the world~~?

Kids whose parents asked me to call them my their first names were ~so~ creepy to me. Like Amy Poehler in Mean Girls (“I’m not a ;) regular mom, I’m a ;) cool mom”). However I am from the south, soooo....

So it’s about a 10 minute walk to my subway stop. Not bad, but if it’s hot out or if I have a lot to carry, it really sucks. But I don’t bike, because biking around the city sucks... like really sucks. I might legit buy this.

I saw this on vine and had no clue what was going on because it was so short. At first I thought the girl jumped out. I really couldn’t tell. This shit is so crazy.

I’m doing the same... I have 32F. I know when I’m done having kids I will get a breast reduction/lift. I see the argument to do it now because I don’t even have a husband in mind, let alone kids, but I feel like I should wait because like you said, pregnancy will fuck them up and I’ll probably want them lifted or

I love Foer and I’m totally kewl!

The pic of Kourtney and Khloe shooting guns is from an episode of their show that aired in like 2007 or 2008. Dunno why Khloe posted it the other day but it’s literally 7 or 8 years old. TMZ is so stupid.

Omg how did I miss that. This article only slightly irritated me before, but now I’m downright disgusted.

It seems like the real motivation is very important to you because it’s what you harped on for many posts until you realized you were wrong. To me, it’s stupid, but it’s THEIR DRESS. They own it. Would I prefer they donate it? Yes. Even sell it? Yes. But do I own the dress? Nope.

Trash the Dress is stupid and pointless but it is almost never done because of a breakup, but rather is another excuse for a photoshoot. You say it’s something that only jilted/dumped girls do, which is where most of your anger about it seems to come from, even though that’s patently false. Maybe if you had some kind

People do it after weddings. Sometimes the grooms are even in the shoot. It’s not about being dumped or getting a divorce.

I literally gasped reading this. Why? Where is she going?

Rent the Runway for wedding gowns is the only thing that makes sense. I would never spend $200 to rent a birthday dress that costs $800 when I could go to Macy’s and buy a not-terrible one for that much or probably less. I would, however, spend $400 to rent a wedding dress that would cost $1,500+ and I wouldn’t even

Thinking this through logistically, it doesn’t even make sense. Your “mark” could have a seat 15 rows in front or behind you. They’ll be long gone by the time you are at the point where you need their help. Is this advice you’ve even used? Have you ever ACTUALLY done this? It’s obvious it wouldn’t work.

Same. And I’ll be thinking “here goes another cheap asshole who won’t check their bag because they’re either too dumb or too selfish.”

If you can’t carry your own bag then it’s not really a carry on bag, is it? I’m also 5’2 and have fit enough shit for two months abroad in an actual regulation carry on size bag and have literally zero issues putting it in the overhead bin. If you can’t lift it then it’s too big and too heavy and you should check it.

I hate this too! People try do this to me a lot. I can carry my own damn suitcase. If you can’t carry it, then it’s not really a CARRY ON, is it? Check the damn bag.

I hate to be one of “those” people but just check your bag. Seriously. I am also 5’2 and I can ALWAYS lift my bag over my head, and I’m not a crazy cross fit person. I don’t even work out. It is seriously my biggest pet peeve when people who should have checked their bags, and have bags WAY too heavy and big for the

I like the idea of giving them things they can go sell. However I was told in Peru by a Peruvian tour guide to not give the children candy, ever. I guess it’s different if they’re selling vs. eating it but I just remember that advice really well and since you were in Peru it seemed relevant.