
No, it`s because he`s a dude who can`t stand the thought of young women refusing to acknowledge his existence and being so self absorbed. How are those young and beautiful women supposed to dedicate their lives to supporting, taking care and worshiping men and children if they display this kind of outrageous

I love baseball, love, love, love it. I played it with my dad and we always went to games. There’s nothing better than baseball, IMO. I still can’t muster up a fuck to give about these girls taking selfies at a game and having what seems to be a good time. Baseball is a social, fun event. They had races between a hot

Cannot believe some of the comments down thread still trying to tear these young women down because they didn’t devote the proper attention to the holy rite of baseball/aren’t even ‘saving the world’.

Baseball is boring as fuck. I don’t know what you mean by “inability to connect to the world around them”, but I have a feeling you also yell things like “get off my lawn!”

Me inside after reading this post:

Well that was a cool response. The video was pretty silly, but people who were outraged about girls taking selfies at a baseball game need to get a real cause.

So, let me get this right. Someone did a rape kit, got a DNA sample from the accused rapist, looked at video footage, matched the guy’s DNA to the DNA from the rape kit, took seriously the accounts of another woman who came forward more than a year after the fact, and actually charged the fucker with felony rape

She lost her license because she refused the breath test and her awesome parents took her car away.Her parents are the heroes here.


Funny story: during a time when I was very sad about my dry spell, I had to stop watching this show because it was killing me how much action these old ladies were getting.

I have mixed feelings about this, as a teacher and parent. First things first- the director handled this the wrong way. Dead wrong.

Sort of off topic: We had some lady who brought her teacup Yorkie “service dog” into the bar and was letting it run around and I was like, “Lady there is rat poison at like every bar, including this one. Your dog is about the size of a DC rat. It will die if it eats any. Keep it on your lap.” She was PISSED. I don’t

I’m sure in context it was a little more understandable, but holy shit, the air marshall/security guy who opened with “You’re gonna go to jail” really did not give a fuck about calming that situation down, eh?

I starred this because damn straight...and the only thing I have to add is that if someone doesn’t understand that “pumpkin spice” (as in, the spices used with pumpkin) is not the same as pumpkin itself, they should be forced to only have pumpkin spice lattes for the rest of time.

His book “Eating Animals” was very nuanced, well researched, and balanced as far as vegetarians go. It definitely gave me a lot more insight into what I was doing and how to support ethical farming.

I thought about it for a minute and decided it could have been worse — she could be boning Franzen (booooooooo). But then my brain took it to its logical , shitty wunderkind conclusion and thought, well she could have broken up Chabon’s marriage, which would have resulted in so, so, so many obnoxious think pieces from

I do not know JSF personally, but I do have friends who attended university with him and kept in touch up through the publication of Everything Is Illuminated. He’s a bit of a navel-gazer, by all accounts, but otherwise pretty harmless. He also suffered every writer’s nightmare path to publication (lots of rejections,

I really wish there were an easy way to distinguish between Michelle Williams (this one) and Michelle Williams (Destiny’s Child). You can’t even do DC, because that could be Destiny’s Child OR Dawson’s Creek. It’s very confusing, but it leads to some interesting conclusions before I click through. (Also, I have

What’s wrong with Jonathan Safran Foer anyway?
