
I was thinking pay her friends and family back for any refunds or deposits they couldn't obtain.

A restaurant is a place of conviviality and exists to serve patrons.

yeah no.

A restaurant is a business that sells prepared food. If you are over 2 years old, you are expected to order food and drinks from the menu, not bring your own unless the restaurant has specifically posted that this is allowed (as at some places that allow you to bring your own alcohol). If you want to bring your own

I mean, it's a "rule" but it's kind of internal: no one else is going to know if you abided by it. The point stands, though, that you need to say Y or N to an invite as soon as you decide.

I actually think the "must accept first invite" rule is rude. I invite someone somewhere, I don't expect that to be a trap. It's rude to leave someone waiting for long, but if you get an invite you'd rather accept a couple days later, what's the difference?

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that article chastising dog owners for wanting a dog park in West Hollywood (LA is woefully short on dog parks) by claiming doing so meant they thought their dogs were more important than children. I mean, there are certainly dog owners in LA who think their dogs should have the

I feel like 95% of Tracy Moore's posts are jokes that are just above my head. Logging in to a hook-up app with the intent to evaluate the fuckability of other potential partners is not the same thing as noticing a good-looking person on the street.

I'm sick of hearing about the hurt manfeels. Nothing pushes me to the radical fringes of Feminism faster than dudes whining about their hurt feelings.

Nice conversation I had with a fella on the street this morning:

Get out.

What is frustrating to me about this whole debacle is that, once again, a woman's issue is being reframed as a talk about men. Just paragraphs and paragraphs about men and who is harassing and their race and just every possible permutation of that and racism against men of color and white male privilege etc, etc.

That's just low. He should get his ass disbarred to see how he likes it. Scumbag.

I don't know what his politics are but the man clearly knows his snack foods and that is A-OK with this voter.

While it's true that looks are all important when you have absolutely nothing else to go on, I don't think it's true for real world situations. As mentioned, even within a situation in which all you have is a picture, people discard attractive potential mates based on subtle clues that they are not a good match based

this isn't shocking. When you first meet somebody literally the only thing you know about them is their face/body so yeah that's all that matters at first but it quickly changes because it doesn't matter how attractive they are if their personality is shit or you don't mesh well together.

That's when a guy walks up with the missing forty dollars and tells the woman it was on the floor by their table. To which she says "bullshit" and storms out saying that I'm a fucking thief. Moral of the story is, don't give small children lots of cash.

I imagine that guy probably paid out of his own pocket to make the

This is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Americans are responsible for their "cultural imperialism"? Here's an idea, if you don't want "American culture" in your country, stop importing it. Nobody else is to blame. I'd love to hear the damage this "imperialism" is doing. I'm sure listening to The Black

this chick is going to cause a worldwide shortage of mdma