
according to this instagram, any time the police are called the police show up and just go '...guys...' and everyone calms down and apologizes and then leaves.

At least Kim had to wait until last week to admit her whole second marriage was a sham

Someone's going to do it...

I've known several people who have done those deals and been super happy— although $2000 sounds like a lot. If you're flying out of LA, I've seen those deals pop up several times a year for under $1000 (sometimes closer to $800, if I'm remembering correctly).

$800? Sheeiiit, when I go on vacation, I stay only at places that are willing to barter a night's stay for some lentils.

I can see that. I really liked how they handled it, though. The pocket-dialing and the voicemail were really cute, and Robin pulling all sorts of stuff out of her purse at the wake was hilarious.

It's a lot better. It's too perfect, but fuck it, after all of these years, it's good enough. It doesn't solve the cancer thing, but I'm just going to believe this ending is the real ending and it retconned all of those cancer scenes.

The Nice Guy crap is hilarious. So I'm obligated to give you a chance because you're "nice"? That's like trying to sell me a car by telling me it has wheels. Gotta do better than that.

But if she had been MORE polite, then he wouldn't have been so rude to her! After all, harassment stops when the woman is more nice!

I'm disturbed by how many men think they are straight up entitled to women after giving a "compliment." It's part of rape culture - men have some internalized that they are entitled to a woman and that this kind of rage is an acceptable response to minor rejection.

Or buys all the pies in front of him in line at Burger King.

Because you will find a decent person out there. I thought I was finished in my early 30s then an old friend came back into my life and we've now been married for 16 years.

See, this sort of thing pisses me off, and it's so typical of the way so many men interact with women. He opens with a lewd comment, and she just tells him not to message her anymore. In his mind, she is rude, and she owes him an apology because she didn't play the game, asking him nicely to stop while simpering and

Just a joke... a 'joke' isn't something you say because it's rebellious/weird/quirky to you. A joke is funny. A joke is something that makes you and other people laugh. A joke's entire purpose is to creature humor.

I haven't seen the photos, but that doesn't matter. If she ASSERTS that she is the copyright owner under the DMCA, then they must act accordingly or lose safe harbor. That's how the DMCA works. Period. An ISP(what the porn site qualifies as) is not a judge and cannot determine who does or does not own copyright for

I know i'm beating the dead horse when I say that turning a famous woman's body into a commodity is vile and horrible, but I am still never-endingly stunned that when there's an opportunity to help or view her in a human light they can't and resort to seeing the entire matter as a property/copyright dispute.

Number 2 sounds a lot like my immediate reaction to rhe suggestion.

I would rather she just admit that she doesn't want to tackle it on her show. There are literally dozens of examples (many of which are cited in the post) of half-hour sitcoms addressing tough issues, including abortion. Blaming the format feels like such a cop-out.

Maybe it's too serious ... for Mindy Kaling? Maybe she's not ready/able/willing to be the poster girl for all WoC in the media and also receive the kind of flack that's guaranteed to come with such a fraught topic? (Hasn't she also gotten some guff for being less than sensitive about a few other topics? My memory is

It's amazing, isn't it, how these fucks will parade their misogyny, their "my fap before your dignity/humanity" stance, their proud, peacocking assertion that any woman anywhere who has shown her physical form for any purpose deserves all the hate, rape threats, and filth that can possibly be held by the internet, but