
Good thing no one asked you.

Someone (@fmanjoo) made this analogy on twitter

i got in a back and forth with someone who kept being like 'well free speech means a lot of things to me.' like sorry idiot free speech means one fucking thing. ONE THING.

i think flowbee actually thinks it's LITERALLY every white man. i bet that's it. i bet that is exactly what she's saying.

Honestly, they don't think women are people. I really just wish they would have the balls to come out and say it.

Straight white American men view "rights" as a series of passes for them to do what they please to anyone else that isn't a straight white American man.

But guys sending emails are PEOPLE. These are just women.

So, let me get this straight, Reddit.

ETA: The link was removed, so kudos for that, but I still question the original motivation for including it.

Why provide the link? Serves no purpose.

To those who think maybe it would have been better if she had done nothing: at what point is a woman allowed to assert ownership for her own body?

If you want a glimpse at the dark comic genius and smoldering leading man that is Adam Scott, watch this. Parks and Rec, as much as I love it, has the limitations of a network show and has pushed him into this nerdy, sniveling role that goes waayyyy against the type he plays best. Also he has actual tangible chemistry

I want to make a snarky, sarcastic (snarkastic) remark re: Khlench Montashian, but I like her so much that really all I want is for her to find a nice, stable, good relationship.

I found this all kind of…….. gross.


Hate her or love her, (and yes, blah blah blah we know a lot of you hate her)

omg jay-z's face in that last vine. that whole thing is priceless.