
Me, 1 hour before our scheduled date and him going all day texting but not mentioning our date: "Are we going to hang out today?"

I think it's controversial because it makes people question whether rap music was really her first love as she claimed it to be or did she turn to rap music because she knew that as an attractive white woman she would have mass appeal in the industry. I'll admit, I'm one of those people who question the authenticity

It's not that it's pop music, it's that it's terrible pop music. I love pop! I love Britney! I also love hip hop! But now it seems like Iggy was hungry enough for fame that the case for her racial insensitivity (or racism?) is stronger. She failed at pop, did rap (and so poorly- Autotune plus vocal fry owwwwe owwww

Yes, my point was absolutely that all men are sinister and not that this particular man is tiresome. I hid it very cleverly and you are to be congratulated for finding my secret message.

Good breakdown of why his conclusions are dumb. I have found no lack of people interested in having meaningful conversations on OKCupid. Generally, if you find that all your conversations are shallow and boring, the problem is probably you. You're the common factor.

We can't upload gifs for the time being. Because recently there's been a huge problem with trolls uploading tons of rape porn gifs. So yet again, we can't have nice things, because there are just enough guys who believe they have a divine right to torment women about their bodies.

they just really, really, REALLY wanted to give those girls a compliment. at all costs. true gentlemen, really.

also out of curiosity...hauling them all to the van vs hauling them all to the bathroom? I imagine she'd leave the other children if she went into the bathroom so why can't she leave them to run to her car? I mean it could be a strip mall and she was parked far away etc etc but it just seems like she was kind of being

I'm sure it's a real pain in the ass. That doesn't make her less of an asshole. We all have to do things that suck in order to get along in society.


I still occasionally think of this twitter exchange and laugh:

She's not the hero we deserve, but the hero we needed.


Everyone wants to be black, aside from the burden of actually being black. Welcome to America, people.

I skimmed this entire article and there was not a single mention of Florian Fortescue. I am disappoint.

One (1) pillow. Please make sure this pillow is functional and not decorative because there is a difference and sometimes you get yelled at for getting pizza sauce on something that cost $19.99 and money doesn't just grow on trees, Mark, okay? People work all day to have nice things and you're going to need to take

No, you know what is stupid and won't work? Your face and your mom.

"regrettably public." Yes, if only he had the presence of mind to rape her in private, then he could have finished, and nobody would have believed her, just like all the rest of us who have been raped, so he wouldn't be in trouble. Fuck this fucking guy and his fucking lawyer.

I absolutely would have done this had I known about it. 100%. I don't really see why not to if you're only going to wear it once. Remember, long ago men used to buy their tuxes permanently as well as formal wear that they'd use for many years afterwards. As they stopped doing so, and only wore tuxes on one or two

Ok! We were in the lobby waiting to go into the theater and this guy gets on the microphone to tell everyone when the doors open, go in, all the way to the and of the row. No one was listening and the lobby was pretty loud, so he starts yelling, telling everyone to be quiet and saying over and over "IT'S MY TIME NOW!