
here's my sex spreadsheet

Yes, I feel like this is a perfect time to launch into relationship advice for men. yes yes indeed.

Yeah, I don't see why it's so hard to get the concept of consent in that context (fuck me alliteration). It's like phones make everyone lose their minds.

My bra & panties both cover WAY more than any of those thingies in the picture!

If it isn't see-through when it gets wet, really what's the practical difference between a bra and panties and a bikini?

Yes, because a site that has more than 1 billion unique visitors every day doesn't matter at all. I mean, why even bother with something as trivial as deeply entrenched, commonplace, raging misogyny on one of the world's busiest media sites? It's not like it happens to anyone that matters. It's just a few women.

I bought a loom too. I pretended it was because my son wanted it but he's 5 so I ended up watching some 12 year old's YouTube channel and making complicated bracelets. I spent a whole evening working on a starburst and then one band broke the next day.

Now...I admit; I have a tumblr. I like to look at food porn(I've gotten some good cupcake recipes actually. Eat that, Jezebel), different artists and yes, I do indulge in fan crap (Mostly anime fanfiction/stuff. NOT THAT CRAZYFUCKINGSHERLOCK SHIT).

You know what else is expensive? CYBORG EYES.

But why take the risk? Not like you're getting any benefit when you're asleep. Is taking them out and putting them in that bad?

Let this also be a lesson to go to a real eye doctor for your exam and to go once a year, even if your prescription doesn't change. Things like how much oxygen your contacts are letting through and how healthy your eyeball is are what eye doctors really check when they're there. And for the love of god, if you

Good to know. I'll alert the press.

Agreed. If there's anything good that comes out of this story, it's that at least I learned that a brave and great and wonderful girl, Jada, exists in this godforsaken cesspool called earth.

So. She "got in the frame" of a picture he was taking of... The sidewalk? The support beams? The side of that coffee wagon? What? Is there something behind her? She's pretty slim. Is it Olive Oyl standing behind her?

Wait it actually has an Obamacare hashtag?

The fact of Iggy Azalea's popularity has demonstrated to me that I have no capacity to predict what will get a backlash. I remember when Kreayshawn got stamped out despite all the buzz. Yes, she did squander an opportunity by not releasing anything substantial for too long, but I'm sure her plummet back to obscurity

No one said it is. We're saying that this AUSTRALIAN girl who decided that having an Atlanta accent, while adopting an aesthetic not particular to her Australian farm life, is inauthentic and akin to modern day minstrel. Macklemore may be wack but dude is very much a hipster from Seattle and doesn't act any other way.

There are two types of women in NYC white Brooklyn women and white manhattan women the rest of us are just the help.

(I use NYC because I know it... but this works on a macro level too)

... and this is what I struggle with. We are at the point in pop culture where, yes, black and brown folks created hip-hop but the genre and culture is international and has reached all the way Down Under. I don't dislike Iggy for being a white girl rapping, Eminem is white and he is a great MC, but her inauthenticity

The thing I find most grating about Iggy is that she raps in a fake accent. I'm okay with her adopting some aspects of black culture based on her experiences in the US, but there is a difference between being influenced by something and mimicking it, and Azalea's faux-Black rapping is on the wrong side of that line.