
I suspect veganism is not the source of this lady's problems.

I like the ones who remind their female friends to take "common sense precautions" then themselves go traipsing along dark alleys and dimly lit side streets without a care in the world.

This makes me love Mila Kunis even more, which I didn't think was even possible, and haaaaaaate the dickbag interviewing her.


"...why not just have regular cops with their regular firearms arrest him?"

I know, right? "Thank god this 4-year-old white girl told us the true story. Otherwise we would have had to put this guy in jail with no evidence, no prior history of violence and no motive."

"That was really her being bad. She's not a good babysitter," Abby said.

Haha, yeah, the noises. Most of them are cute. I overslept this morning and Darby let me know I was late with the celery stalks by wheeeeeeeeeeking at the top of his lungs. They can be damn loud when they want to.

I have two piggers. I originally had just one, but they need a friend, you know. I went in for a hamster but was soon in love with a guinea pig and called Mr Phnarglepuss and informed him we were getting a guinea pig. And now I am seriously a crazy guinea pig lady. I follow instagram accounts of other pig owners,

I have a guinea pig and for some reason that's the first thing people like to bring up when they find out. I just don't get it - people also eat dogs and cats and birds and snakes and all kinds of other animals. Yet they don't look at my cat and immediately say, horrified "you know people eat those, right? OMG so

There's a particular thread I do not want to "upvote", so I'm replying as a stand alone.

This is exactly what I try to make my fellow Germans understand when it comes to the plight of African illegal immigrants trying to cross into EU territory by boat. What utter desperation must drive them to risk such terrible conditions and such a high probability of drowning? And yet, when you listen to especially

I think that was almost 100% a scare tactic. It's entirely possible that there was once some isolated incident that grew into urban (rural?) legend, but I doubt if there would be anything more than that. My family has a ranch in Texas and I'm sure my great uncle has hired undocumented workers in his day, but the point

I don't know what PYT means in this context, because my understanding, 'Pretty Young Thing', stopped making sense after a few uses. Hmmm. But it was an entertaining misunderstanding!

but Arby's and Wendy's and burger king and taco bell are so exotic! We just got a sonic burger a few years ago, and holy shit we'd been missing out.

While I also greatly prefer Burger King or Arby's to McDonald's, "it's too common to be appealing" is the most hipster thing I have ever heard in my life.

About a month ago my husband decided to completely change our diet and start eating healthier. Due to eating far too many green things, I started to develop cravings for things that I never eat, even before our new lifestyle change. McDonalds, Taco Bell, Cook Out. For about a week now I have felt like the cravings

All the women in my family started super early, like at 8 years old. So I got the talk and pad demo around that time. Well, freaky deaky me didn't get her first period until age 14. So, I had forgotten some of the finer points. Like the fact that you are supposed to put the adhesive side of the pad in your underwear.

Mine was just humourous. I of course had my first period at my father's house (split time half and half), and it was literally night one of my week with him, and I remember having cramps and not knowing what was going on. It's 11pm (and I'm what - 11, 12?) so when I get up my dad can hear me around upstairs and is