
I know it's because of my stupid American desire for redemption, but am I the only one that wants Walt to slip the ricin in Lydia's tea, gun down all the neo-Nazis, then drop to his knees and put his hands on his head as we hear approaching sirens?

I just remembered Scott Baio quackery. Nevernude reminded me! Twas a crazy day yesterday!

Yeah, the whole "keep male friends around for protection" idea neglects the fact that most people who are raped KNOW their rapist. Being alone isn't safe, but being with people you know and think you can trust isn't safe either. The world we live in is shitty like that.

How about for being too trusting? A woman is naive enough to leave a bar with a man, thinking they're going to go get some coffee, only for him to take her somewhere and assault her? "WELL WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?"

I maintain anyone who is team Walter White is a psychopath. Oops, I'm married to a psychopath. TEAM SOMETHING GOOD SHOULD HAPPEN TO JESSE (haven't seen latest episode no spoilers!)

My point, though, is that we can't really know what his mindset was, entirely. Yeah, he's probably a douche who just didn't want to pay the bills. But maybe not; maybe he felt this was the best option at the time. Maybe he thought he was going to be able to come back in a year or two and start paying child support, or

You know what? When my daughter was born, I signed a form giving up parental rights to her dad. Because I'd gone crazy during pregnancy and no one was around to counsel me otherwise, and I kept having fantasies about suicide, and thought I was a serious threat to myself or others, and knew I couldn't possibly raise

There is a multipart series about this case at Indian Country Today newspaper. The adopting family's lawyers deliberately played fast and loose - they deliberately gave the Cherokee Nation of OK a misspelled version of bio-dad's name and wrong birthday. The CNO has over a quarter million people on its rolls, they

I did amend that statement, if you read through my comments, in response to someone else. What I *MEANT* was that you can't just go adopt a kid who has a family that is willing, able, and qualified to care for them. You adopt a kid who needs parents... and it shouldn't be to fill some void in yourself, it should be to

Well, I suppose it could be, if they were looking to be parents of a child that NEEDED them. Would you show up at my house and tell me you want my daughter more than I do so you should get to take her? No, you'd go through an agency or your state's foster care program, and find a child who needed parents, right?

Thanks for the information. I'm rather dismayed by the lack of sympathy commenters have for a parent's loss of custody of his child that he clearly wants.

Adoption is for kids who do not have parents or guardians to love and raise them. Adoption is not for childless couples who desperately want to be parents.

Miley needs a seat. I'm so damn tired of her. Go away, child.

Ugh, every time she says homie my cringometer goes to 11. It's like listening to your dad trying to sound "with it" talking about "that hippity hop" in front of the boy you have a crush on or something. (In this comparison, you are in 9th grade, FWIW.)

"They're my homies."

The biological mother has two older kids that she does not have custody of and pays child support for. She didn't want to be responsible for child support to a third, and she hid her adoption plans.
This man fought for custody from the beginning, and while he made some mistakes via *TEXT MESSAGE* to his ex-fiancee, he

Ha! I immediately thought of him too.