
Who is this Ross Geller person you freaks are talking about.

I was humiliated on behalf of all parties.

Yeah, definitely not the Ross Geller of rap, because I don't ever recall Ross making my knees weak with just a smile.

1) That he's not feminist enough.
2) That he supported a fascist government in his 30's in South America.
3) That he's Catholic.
4) Etc etc etc etc ...

I spent 12 years in Catholic school. By no means am I a believer. But expecting a 2,000 year old institution to turn 180 on a whole host of issues in a short time is just

Every time I see Miley's album title, Bangerz, all I think about is bangers and mash. It's a poor choice of an album title to say the least...

On the bright side, though, the new middle class gets one free entre per shift.

No one thinks it's weird to attract attention by re-enacting the most memorable moment of your career at your younger, more successful, sister's wedding? Different strokes and all that - but in my family, that would be considered a faux pas, not a charming gesture.

Naaa, watch the clip - it's pretty clear, when she's bare face, that it's the same nose. I think the thing that's throwing people off is general a lack of knowledge of contouring, and the fact that the old picture isn't a good one (there's WAY too much shadow going on, which makes her nose look larger).

No, I would be Blanche Devereaux.

I also doubt the soul of these people. I don't think they care.

They want to bring their guns to Starbucks because they CAN. And just because you CAN do something, you DEFINITELY SHOULD because this is AMERICA, BITCHES WHOO DONT TREAD ON ME.

That's funny. It's almost as if the "people on this site" are rarely the target demographic for anything. It's almost as if the "people on this site" are marginalized in that respect; their voices dismissed when they're offended. It's almost as if the "people on this site" don't want horrendous racist, sexist,

It becomes painfully clear that these guys are a mess without her.

Lazy joke writing from Seth Macfarlane? Well, I nev...always.

I have been catcalled while crying & while dry-heaving over a garbage can. They do not see people. They see a collection of desirable body parts.

The idea that any state has a law saying that x number of women living in the same house constitutes a brothel is a classic urban legend with no basis in any actual current or past laws: "The belief that a 'brothel law' bars live-in sororities from campuses is so deeply worked into the fabric of collegiate life that

in that University at least, if you aren't a cheerleader or in a sorority, you are pretty much a social pariah.