
I'm vegetarian and I'm a server, so I really don't mind. You should just be conscious of how long it takes to order though and how frazzled your server looks. I do get irritated when I have six tables all starting at me, ALL needing my attention, and one person is just asking question after question about something. I

Along with what everyone said: as a hostess, this happens a lot. You have a party of 6 and there are only a couple tables a party that size can fit at in the restaurant. (Even less tables as the number of people in the party goes up.) But you have another party of 6 in 1.5 hours. That table has to turn in 1.5 hours,

One of my favorites... in high school I was with my boyfriend borrowing my mom's car and I accidentally hit a pole and knocked the side view mirror off. My boyfriend and I then spent the entire rest of the day trying to fix my side view mirror. He even had to buy epoxy glue at walmart for me (because apparently you

Once I was skipping school in high school but went to my AP lit class because I had to turn in an essay (..... that I had written in my friend's car as she went to drop me off at school for the 1.5 hours I decided to attend). My teacher got mad at me for hand writing it instead of typing it so I told her I didn't have

I once had a coworker who insisted that she got into Harvard Law without applying. She would literally say "Harvard Law has accepted me! But the next step is to take the LSAT so I can officially apply!" We were all like okay honey... she told a lot of weird lies but that was the one I remember best. I also had a

UGA is a top 20 public university......

The beach theme makes me so happy.

wrong temperature :/

Heartbreaking, but true. So sick.

It is very clear from your comment that you know very little about human rights activism.

looooooool. Sallie Mae is the reason I no longer pick up phone numbers that I don't already have saved in my phone. I DON'T KNOW ANYONE WITH AN ILLINOIS AREA CODE. I KNOW YOUR TRICKS SALLIE MAE.

Are you joking me that ALMOND JOY and BABY RUTH are in the top 10, and 3 Musketeers is at the bottom? ARE YOU JOKING ME!?

I had a lot of friends who didn't/never masturbated and I 100% cosign everything you've said. The confidence and self-esteem difference between us made dating a lot easier and fun for me. It's sort of hard to describe, but I know I felt more in control in relationships with men. My friends were more timid, less sure,

I LOOOOVE Beyonce. Love. I even love Beyonce and Jay Z. I love the song "Drunk in Love."

It was obviously a sarcastic joke

Try "lesbian shitass."

There was a kitchen? All I saw was DAT ASS

I was convinced it would end under the umbrella. I thought the last words of the show would be the mother introducing herself and we would learn her name. I hate this ending. Even before Ted asks Robin out again, I was wondering "why the fuck is this entire episode about Robin? I want to see the mother." Sucked.

Oh man. I have so many I don't even know where to begin. Just today, for example, a customer sent back her water. WATER.

Now playing

Promise Phan is a SORCERESS. Did you see her Drake transformation video? I mean....