
Maybe girls don't want to be your friend because you think they only want to talk about babies, diets, and clothes? I certainly wouldn't want to be this girl's friend. Besides, my male friends don't all love sports and hate shopping. I have male friends who bond over sneakers and spend way more on their shoes than I

I don't think she was turning around in her seat, I think she was just moving her cell phone around. That's why there isn't a really great shot of the guy giving her the finger (just enough to see it, but it looks like she just pointed her cell phone in that direction instead of watching it shoot the video).

Is this how you are spending your afternoon?

I came here to comment the same exact thing. Just let people do dumb stuff that makes them smile! It doesn't harm anyone to wear a dumb tutu while running a marathon. I hate people who are **~~~too cool~~~** for everything.

I read this book only once about 13 years ago and I still remember the part where he realizes something is different about the apple, and he realizes it is red. And not black and white. I was fully shocked when the trailer started and it was in color. Also, I thought it was going to Meryl Streep as The Giver. This is

100% serious, she should do a skincare regimen video. PLEASE

Guys. GUYS. Gin?! Over RUM!? YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME. My entire bracket is blown.

Omg. You are speaking to my soul. I have giant boobs but a pretty modest ass. I never show off my boobs, ever, because I don't like the kind of attention I get, and I certainly never would want them bigger. But I find myself wishing my ass was bigger and thinking I would wear shorts or jeans or something to show it

It might be (RE: the privilege question). I can't remember a time where I wasn't self-conscious about my boobs. Literally every day of my life since developing (so a solid 15 years) has had at least one boob moment. I don't even know what I would fill my head with if boob neuroses weren't there.

Oh my God. Thank God you came here to say that. Conversation over! Everyone should be happy now! This one dude prefers small boobies! Everyone, run to him!

Caffeine goes ALL THE WAY in my bracket. 2014 champs, I can feel it!

OMGGGG I totally forgot about being iced!!! Memories...

You didn't win then, and you won't win now. I VOW IT

1. Champagne gives me a headache

As a server, I think this is great advice for the GameStop guy. We get phone numbers so often we have a contest at work to see who gets the most. But there are some customers we really do like and would like to ask out. Those tables get extra attention and smiles so if he pays attention to her and thinks she's sending

Seriously. This was a man intentionally seeking to have a sex with an underage girl after arranging with her pimp. This is basically attempted rape. Unless he actually did have sex with her. Then I really am struggling to see how he wasn't charged with rape.

BRB, blood boiling

That is just awful. What in the hell even.

That shit about "why are you working today?" is ridiculously irritating. Like okay lady, if you have such a problem with it, then we'll all go home and you won't have anyone to serve you your precious Sunday brunch. Idiot.

Unless your toddler leaves a mess I have to take time to clean up (like sweeping the floor right after you leave or getting something off the wall) 18-20% is great :)