
Far too late, but here’s mine:

Pretty simple answer: it’s a vehicle.

The No-Fault part of my auto policy covers me in cycling. I have a very high limit on that to protect myself from what could happen - like how a friend of mine was hit by a young driver earlier this year. He attempting to pass on a blind corner, overcontrolled and took her out. She’s paralyzed from the waist down now.

Last week I spent a good 20-30 minutes in stop-and-go traffic (thanks, NC State Fair) on my bicycle.

I found myself in basically this situation a couple months ago, Zaphod.
... but for my son, not myself.

Similarly, I go in with my financial spreadsheet all ready to go on my phone. MSRP, ask, percent off, tax, financing terms, etc... everything I need to make an informed decision. Whatever they tell me, I enter into the spreadsheet. If my end numbers don’t match theirs, I have them explain until I do understand... or

Only question I have, as a former 2007 Civic Si owner, is whether I can (and how to) import one of these?  I looked into it slightly around 2012, but didn’t find a way that would have good chance of success. Even though it’s mechanically an 8th gen Civic Si... there were insurmountable hoops to jump through, and I

Long ago on the north side of Syracuse, NY, I found myself behind a very erratic driver. After seeing several dangerous moves, I called 911. Explained what I had seen, and they asked me to stay behind the driver and keep appraising them of the location. Perhaps 5 miles later, a slew of cops descend upon him.

As a cyclist... I totally agree with you.

Driving back to Raleigh from somewhere in PA, suddenly the kids started complaining that the WiFi hotspot wasn’t working anymore. ... and that everyone’s cell phone was dead.

Bagel-shaped Brazilian” has got to be the absolute pinnacle of journalism.

No likey the new poll.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall during the CR-V driver’s call to her insurance company.

My wife’s ‘09 Mercedes E350 is sporting a nice crack in the windshield. It occurred a little over a year ago, just before it was due for inspection, in fact. I quickly took it in when the crack was extending perhaps 6", starting at the absolute bottom left corner. It passed.

You mean literally killed, not just dying a little inside.

Thank all that is holy there aren’t any delivery pictures...

Aston, you’re doing it wrong.

Thank you for raising this, Bradley.

I just noticed Doug is wearing a bicycle happy shirt in this clip.  Perfect!