
is this cultural appropriation

Jamie, pull that up.

That’s true, I was at TI when they had the OpenAI vs paiN. exhibition. IIRC it was crushing them with some super aggressive deathball strats early on, but that wasn’t sustainable since the human players started to outlevel them after a while.

OpenAI vs DeepMind match for TI9 pls

The rationale I’ve seen for APM spamming is that it players do it to keep their rhythm going, so that in the 5-10 seconds per match where they do needs to be using that many inputs they’re ready for it.

You don’t think there’s a reason NASA would do these seemingly-desperate things for publicity? Maybe they knew that in the end stuff is just stuff, but that public goodwill brings in funding which allows them to further their mission (and, along with it, human progress)?

How big of a scumbag do you have to be to sue an agency that literally only exists for the betterment of humanity, and already has to fight tooth-and-nail for every dollar of funding it receives?

Seriously. People want a legitimate Halo experience on PC so badly that they spent thousands of collective man-hours reverse engineering that Russian F2P game, tearing out all the weird loot box stuff, coding a server browser from scratch, and porting maps from the console games (often recreating entire sections

The company partnered with Deepak Chopra

Aren’t there (or weren’t there, I haven’t kept up with the Playstation ecosystem this gen)rules that you can’t include Platinum trophies on games that aren’t full-price?

Oddly enough, this site says my email has been pwned but not the password I use for said email. How does that work?

That’s true. And it would be a neat idea, if the show actually gave me a reason to care about the world around them.

Show’s definitely run its course, there are literally zero stakes when every character can just be brought back from the dead on a whim.

If the pain is due to damaged tissue, absolutely. That’s 100% a real, scientifically-proven thing and there are already some clinics that offer it for athletes.

The only reason I can possibly imagine is that he heard about stem cell treatments for repairing damaged muscle and thought “eh, close enough”

Yeah, this is really shocking.

True, I don’t think they’ve actually said much about how they were defeated before.

That was pretty much explained that with the origin, though. Or at least, it was heavily implied that their reason for existing hasn’t changed.

I mean we already know their origin, why they couldn’t cross the wall, that they’re semi-intelligent beings who follow a very intelligent leader, and how to kill them... I don’t think there’s even any more room to expand on the nature of the Walkers.

Not to mention that most of the new blood probably got into the industry because of Stan, or at least grew up reading his work.