
I’m not interested in this game but why the hell are you publishing an article like this when the game JUST CAME OUT WITHIN THE LAST COUPLE OF HOURS

I’m just unclear on why I or anyone else would want a large sculpture of an aetheryte shaped like an Xbox. If they’re giving me a functional Xbox anyway, I’d far rather have a similar-sized statue of an actual normal aetheryte.

Impressive that Rocket League broke into the top 100, considering it’s been unavailable for purchase on Steam for years. It *should* be a wake-up call for Epic to enable Linux/SteamOS support for EAC/Battleye on Fortnite, but more likely they’ll see it as a reason to add a Windows-only anti-cheat whenever they get

Those games seem like they’re good enough to play with a performance hit. The fact that the Deck can play them really says a lot about how good the hardware is.

The dev totally didn’t say it the right way but he has a point. The fucking whiners about a balance patch in this game are insufferable. Its been out for like two weeks. Its not like they took away some weapon after two years. Of course they are gonna have to fix some shit once the players get their hands on it. 

Nah, I think the current implementation is better. I could see the current system presenting challenges for matchmaking later in the game’s life when it has a less robust playerbase, but I like the freedom to play the missions I want at the difficulty I want in the environment I want. Until they add more variable

Now playing

RWBY is pretty popular, but it is a roller-coaster of inconsistent-but-mostly-bad quality that would make mainstream longrunning anime blush. They tried a little too hard to turn it into a full-merchandised franchise from its popularity when the show has very VERY noticeable problems in its writing, worldbuilding, and

You mean: Elden Ring spirit ashes, kind of like offline pawns!

If a social link/confidant is crucial to a Persona game’s main plot/true end, the game does make an extended effort to tell you that the social link should be wrapped up by a certain date (the only ones that come to mind are Marie in P4G, and the councelor in P5R). Otherwise, by not doing social links/confidants, you

Played all weekend with the boys only to realize the chargers legs are their actual weakness. Unbelievable. Been shoving Recoiless up their butts this whole time.

This just reminds me of all the Diablo 4 people before it released worrying about how long it takes to hit max level.  Then sweating it to level 100 so they could START playing the game and then lamenting that there is no game after level 100 and wanting refunds.  All the while ignoring everything they did before max

I’m not bothered by players who want to optimize the game. But it’s not a game that rewards them for trying. Players have the tools they need to play the hardest difficulty by, like, level 5. There’s some great stuff that only unlocks at level 20, sure. But it’s just other ways of dealing with the same obstacles.

No, because they’re not completing operations that then reduce efforts to liberate and defend planets—the meta-game, the war effort, is negatively affected for everybody.

did you read the article? it’s because min-max farming dweebs go into matchmaking and let their shitty behaviors harm the experience for others. i don’t care how someone plays in a private match, but it’s an objectively shitty experience trying to matchmake and landing in a lobby where you get kicked or griefed by

This headline could apply to almost every game, but Gamers never learn.

Totally agree. it’s the same side of those trying to maximize monetization of live service games.
Screw the meta, just play to enjoy the game!

You wouldn’t know it’s not a bajillion dollar AAA titles in the moment to moment gameplay. The attention to fine detail, from weapons ejection unique shell casings with their own physics and collision to the bugs and bots limping and moving differently when you destroy various limbs is bonkers.

Great to know Korea’s Supreme Court basically operates on the same moral intelligence level as teen fanfic writers.

Not to mention the first game was severely hampered by the fact that as most classes you had enough stamina to sprint for like 10 seconds every 30 seconds, plodding along the rest of the time, so traversal was an incredible chore.

No one is looking for a paved road to be an expression of human creativity.