New Jersey Nyets.
New Jersey Nyets.
I like how he takes a second at the end to take a quick peek at Fergie's penis. Nice touch, guy.
Aspberger's doesn't mean he can't control himself and not jump on people. It's not the Get Out of Asshole Behavior Free card so many seem to think it is.
The Ohio State University will conduct a thorough investigation and deal with matter with the seriousness domestic violence deserves. There is zero tolerance for this type of behavior, and should he be determined to have committed any kind of violation, he will be punished severely, possibly even kicked off the team.
cool, post a link to the blog where you review every beer as being like every other beer, sounds super-useful.
"If we dismantle and limit the power of our policemen any more than we have already"
Tina ended up borrowing approximately $15 million against Johnson's future earnings, according to the Dispatch.
Black People: Fuck this Lemon guy. We don't want him.
Armstrong was later overheard asking a liquor store clerk if O'Douls came in a wide mouth bottle.
In seventh grade I used to wear a pair of cargo pants that you could zip off at the knees and transform into cargo shorts.
I assume he only peed on the floor mid-stream just to be safe.
Here it is, reversed.
Ten years ago, I had a 2 hour layover at the Dallas/Ft Worth airport and that was more time spent in Texas than all the Cowboy fans I know in Virginia combined.
"As World Series MVP, Chevy would like to award you with a VAN down by the RIVER!"
The dude had a massive game. This is a sports blog. You're an idiot.
Well that's just awful.
My mom is all for it. She reads the site constantly and will sometimes write things like "Looks like you guys are getting a lot of page hits this month!" in emails. She's a good mom.
And it doesn't hurt to have someone with a Cluster B Personality Disorder at receiver either