Anthony Weiner not being dead in a ditch or renditioned to a black site in Yemen is proof that Hillary ain’t killed nobody.
Anthony Weiner not being dead in a ditch or renditioned to a black site in Yemen is proof that Hillary ain’t killed nobody.
To be fair, it is key to remember that @Titanfallgame is run by EA, as clarified in their defense of Infinte Warfare. It might be worth mentioning it in this article too so that it’s clear it’s EA’s PR being desperate and not Respawn Entertainment :)
M.U.S.C.L.E. men were toys from the 80's in the US which were actually a Japanese toy:
I don’t think any reasonable person doubts that those things would be far less likely under Clinton.
My expectations and hopes are unbelievably low. I’ll actually consider the next four years a success if there are no nuclear weapons deployed and no significant land wars. I’m assuming that the economy, the social safety net, and basic human decency are already doomed.
I’m sorry. I thought this was AMERICA!
His killers lured him out of the park at night (hunting lions inside parks is illegal—but then again, so is hunting lions at night), shot him with arrows, stalked him for 40 hours as he weakened from his injuries, then skinned and beheaded him and left his corpse to rot in the wilderness.
I’m a hunter, and I know I always feel the proudest when I use bait to lure an animal that I have no intention of eating and that has become acclimated to being in the presence of people (which removes any sport in it) nominally outside a protected area for the sole purpose of counteracting the shame of my shockingly…
Can’t even make that shitty argument here, as he bribed people to obtain access to the lion. It’s one thing when you pay a park or conservation group who then use the funds to improve the habitat (still a gross thing to do, just donate the fucking money, you don’t need to kill a rhino), but that didn’t happen here.
Why not publish the fuckface’s name, Albert? I'm assuming you have a good reason, I'm just curious.
Trophy hunter truthers who think that this kind of shit helps animal conservation are absolutely the fucking worst.
Sigh... I just want Young Justice back...
I guess I should check this out, being a huge fan of Mr. Timm and Co.
But....I hated the Batman and Wonder Woman shorts that premiered on Machinima last month. Flat-out fucking hated them, full-stop. The Superman one was quite good, though, so I’m torn. Judging by those three shorts alone, it feels like Timm and Alan…
Meh, not a fan of “look how dark we are” stories.