Brainstorm is a Facebook group where artists can take part in various challenges. This month, the challenge was to redesign Batman (and the Batmobile). The results are probably not the kind of Dark Knight Bob Kane had in mind.
Brainstorm is a Facebook group where artists can take part in various challenges. This month, the challenge was to redesign Batman (and the Batmobile). The results are probably not the kind of Dark Knight Bob Kane had in mind.
LOVE this touch here.
Another lesson: when someone says they've scrapped a game, don't believe them for an instant.
this isn't really "cosplay culture". it's " cosplay as marketing "
I saw Insane Masturbatory Rampage open for Slayer in '92.
Billy, I hate to nitpick, but I have a problem with the headline. The phrase "insane, masturbatory rampage" should be "insane masturbatory rampage." You shouldn't use a comma when the last adjective outranks its predecessor and is an integral part of the noun phrase. In this case, the rampage is not both insane…
No, I'm afraid you are wrong.
It's seen mostly from the fact that Talion had a wife while Garret did not.
Garret also did not carry around a sword.
Step 1) Buy working copies of ET on eBay for a pittance.
Further proof that people will buy (and assign value to) anything. This is literally trash from a landfill.
This is probably the best version of the E.T. game, since it's so destroyed it's unplayable.
It's enough to make you give up that life of piracy, eh?
Are you telling me I have been killing people's already dead loved ones in this game? I feel kinda bad for blowing everything up now.
Here ya go!
It isn't the inconvenience that is the issue, it is that the companies are essentially robbing us for services available at much more competitive prices elsewhere. So you are paying more for others, but getting less, with the only reason being the greed of the provider.
There are many ways in hell many people spent today doing just that :(
There is no way in hell that anyone could possibly believe that Blizzard purposely turned black characters into white ones.
Yep, there are multiple kinds of runs. Honestly, a glitch run requires an insane amount of skill too (you could argue more, depending on how hard the glitch is to pull off).
There are more kinds of speedruns than the one's you're talking about. You're thinking of Any% runs, in which you get to the end as fast as possible. There are also 100% runs, where you have to complete everything the game has to offer (collecting all items, maxing your level, etc.) and complete the game as fast as…
It really should, but since they started with just LEGO Batman, they decided to continue with the brand.
I WILL NOT apologize for my PERFECTLY FINE sentence structure getting ruined by Nintendo's senseless naming schemes.