They also have these for He-man and Alien.
They also have these for He-man and Alien.
Could it be a two player game? Perhaps?
Yeah, but when you’re pushing those bounds, I think you’re getting better stories out of Timm. When you can’t just show the dead body or the blood or the broken glass, you’ve gotta use a creative push. With this movie it’s all out there, no holds bar.
By the film’s own admission of guilt, they would have served Hitler. They serve “the most evil thing” on the planet at one time, which the creators didn’t think through or care about, and then “hibernate” conveniently through WWII.
I’m white, and I’m watching it change today. By comics, at the very least. This generations “Spider-Man” (publishing theory that someone will try to make a new teenager with extraordinary powers balancing heroics and school.) is a Pakistani-American girl from Brooklyn. And she’s kickass! We’re getting more PoC, women,…
“What else did you expect? Everything is whitewashed in media.” I expect for companies to learn that, as an audience, we’re not going to fucking take it anymore. I expect for companies to realize that minimizing characters with heritages and cultures beyond “twenty something Midwest white/straight/cis guy” is not only…
At least I took my rejection with stride. Crimony. Also, 92% come from the “top 10” plan, so I don’t really feel mopey anymore.
Also, you forgot to link the crossbones picture.
Yeahhhh, that’s definitely not even close to her hair. If they can give Stan “The man who deserves the praise he’s given, to a certain degree which is usually passed” Lee a bunch of custom skins for pieces, surely they have some control over hue for skin and hair. I mean, that’s not even close to her hair, whatsoever.…
I mean, what level of nod? Depends on the range of subtlely. A head nod from behind through CG would be sweet, full Tron Legacy Clu is a no. So I say subtle is 5:2, overbearing is 3:2, with the 2s being not happening at all. On the subject of tacky CG people, I think Clu in Tron Legacy works really well specifically…
Two lesbian interdimensional superwomen. From the future? I think? There’s not a lot out there. Also, FYI, America as a name has Italian and Latin roots, so just because it means either of the New World continents doesn’t mean it can’t be a name. I mean, it was named after somebody, specifically cartographer Amerigo…
If the movie is half as good as any of these trailers, it’s a Blu-Ray must for me.
Where are the ethics in basketball journalism?
I am not a patient man.
Caught a Ho-Oh in a dusk ball. That’s cool. It kinda makes up for the fact that the legendary dogs are impossible to catch in my copy. You might think I’m exaggerating, but on the 60th quick ball first encounter, with a red line thinner than Amazon’s profit margins, and a sleep status effect, no dice.
Shit! The moment I saw that car, I went “That’s gonna get smashed.” Then I neglected to stick it out. Dang.
Harley has been Deadpool-lite for years, which is a real tragedy.