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Monty, you stood up to the goofiness of trying to seriously discuss sexism on Kotaku, and I'd imagine people are going to keep being mean to you. Here's a video to make you laugh through the middle of it.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. So nobody read my post then. OK, so the first part of your post was directed at me. Let me make what I said clearer "I have not played GTAV. I know that previous GTAs have contained satire. Examples including; the trope of the foreign gangster, the over the top reactions of police, society's

It certainly is, and I'll concede to you that it left my attention when I made my absolutist statement. But, a modest proposal was not a work of fiction, per se. He wasn't telling a story of a world where people ate and wore babies. It's also worth noting that, about midway through "A Modest Proposal", he essentially

Monty, I like you, from one human being to another.

I wasn't intentionally defending the game. I have not played it. But I've seen GTA footage from earlier games, and it seems like they're being satirical. "The immigrant comes to America" comes to mind. I was just trying to assess if blame was put upon the game for a crime it did not commit.

Bob, I think we could be good friends.

I appreciate you.

Allright then, Kotaku commenters, don't even read my comment. It's totally cool.

I apologize for the implication, but from what I've seen of Rockstar, there's been a lot of satire. But, in my defense, that why my first statement had a question mark. I have not played the game, and I want to know if this is satirical.

That was the point of my question. About the game which I have not played, so I would not, logically, know the answer to my own goddamn question.

Fuck, read what I fucking said, goddamnit.

As I established, I haven't played the game, and no one who'd commented insofar had mentioned the game making fun of any misogyny, merely its hyperbolic state. (Which, if purely hyperbolic, isn't satire, it's simply for stupid people who want to laugh at offensive things but want to feel intelligent about it (see;

I kind of get her quote. Using my example, in Huck Finn, Huck initially thinks, similarly to the intended reader, that black people are property only. But when Jim functions as a father figure, Huck's whole perspective is changed.

I haven't played GTAV, but knowing Rockstar, I'd assume any sexism was satirical? If so, isn't that like calling Huckleberry Finn racist?

It said they were placeholder torsos/limbs.

calmLikeABob-Omb said it's because it takes place in 2064. So that makes a lot of sense.

Bless you.

Oh, duh. What a mystery. All of their stretch goals are weird.

That's where the "aye?" comes in, I was seeking some sort of affirmation. I'm just as curious as anyone.