
It seems that you've mistaken my brevity for defensiveness. I was trying to clarify what I meant, which is that both white men and women have been showing support for white officers who have killed unarmed black teens.

You would have thought that was obvious...also, um, white women are people, too. And if they're white, then ostensibly they're not being excluded when you say 'white people'. smh

I was referring in part to the fundraiser for Officer Darren Wilson that has raised more than $300K, ostensibly from people other than white women and the protests in favor of Wilson, populated by both men and women.

Is there a Tumblr of guys losing their shit over rejection on dating sites? I would seriously read that shit all day long.

I recently got into a fairly bad argument with my boyfriend over this. I have weekly meetings far away from where we live, and I go to them alone. After I'd been attending for a few weeks some of the men I see there pretty regularly started approaching me, some polite, some gross..I have been using the "Oh gee thanks

But if she had been MORE polite, then he wouldn't have been so rude to her! After all, harassment stops when the woman is more nice!

that's what floored me. He throws out "suck my cock" from nowhere and SHE'S the one that "came from nowhere" by telling him to stop? *really*

I'm old and married and don't do Tinder — is it creepy that he knew where her Facebook profile was? For some reason I had the idea it was semi-anonymous, as in, no last names, light on the identifying details.

I love "that came from nowhere." Because saying you'll give someone the honor of letting them suck your dick isn't also "kind of rude".

I'm disturbed by how many men think they are straight up entitled to women after giving a "compliment." It's part of rape culture - men have some internalized that they are entitled to a woman and that this kind of rage is an acceptable response to minor rejection.

See, this sort of thing pisses me off, and it's so typical of the way so many men interact with women. He opens with a lewd comment, and she just tells him not to message her anymore. In his mind, she is rude, and she owes him an apology because she didn't play the game, asking him nicely to stop while simpering and

oh god that is so gross. Doesn't anyone realize they can get pink eye? Probably other bad shit too..

This is totally sad. Anyone can clearly see that she needs to steal foundation.

ugh i want a dress that i can wear so my huffy flounces are huffy and super flouncy

Wait, so you would be offended if someone failed to wish you happy birthday on your Facebook wall, specifically because it's such a meaningless gesture than virtually anyone can do it? They don't even have to remember your birthday, as Facebook prompts them.

But that's not wax... Brie rind is edible. At least I hope so, because I have been eating it for years.

I can't tell you how many of my white friends try to eat the corn husk hoja that I use to wrap my tamales.

still one of my favorite "you shouldn't eat that" stories of all time

You know how you want something and you don't think it exists so you give up on it, and then you find out it exists and you're more excited about it than you should be, and certainly more than you should be at work, but you're just so happy to get home and kick your husband out of the house for a while so you can play

yeesh this sounds kindof not fun