
I'm sure they're just random women off the street. Let's just ignore that to be taken seriously as a woman in politics, you've gotta be one hell of a noisemaker at the very least. And to be taken seriously as a female democrat, you've gotta be more than a Palin. And I'm sure she didn't examine their credentials and

You don't think that "legs spread in front of a mirror" was at all judgmental? You are also a little tone deaf, then. We can hear and see these "you fucking slut" messages even when they're implied, and if you can't, you've got some learning to do about how society treats women and what it means.

What you seem to be missing is that after a sexual or violent crime against women, people jump to discussing HER behavior and what she could have done to prevent her own victimization. Not the horrible behavior of the perpetrator, who goes all but unmentioned. This is a very gendered phenomenon. It happens whenever

I'm sorry. It doesn't have to be. My man now has given me hope, and there is hope for you too. Please check out:

I'm not sure how her beauty had anything to do with this. Is it more acceptable to hit ugly women?

That's how it feels when you let him stay. That now you're just as responsible as he is. That's what all this "we don't know what happened" and "it's between them" really means. That she is at fault too and we just don't know how much.

I've been thinking about this for awhile and this happened to be the post that pushed me to comment. But I was thinking about it and I feel that maybe this was not the right place. A big piece of this article was about domestic violence towards black women and I don't want to gloss over or unintentionally shush that

I am as loud, confident, and feminist as they come, white, middle class, educated, well supported and all that jazz. I had only a small taste of what these women experienced but I still find it hard to say it out loud and I still took him back immediately. She's totally right, when the man you love, the man who hurt

Samesies, sister.

Hmm, you really think most people would actually be ok with their partner screwing a famous person? I think most monogamous people would be totally bent about it. That convention is a game made fun by the total impossibility of it. I think you and I are on complete opposite sides of literal agreements vs reality

I get that women are blamed for this shit more than men. But equality doesn't mean if your feelings are hurt you have to talk about both parties *in a song*. Her behavior wasn't cool, neither was the friends. If your point is that they bear equal blame, absolutely. If your point is that he is wrong to be hurt because

Allowed? Of course she's allowed. I'm allowed to bang my friend's fuck buddies, technically. Or my sister's. Also allowed to fuck my ex's friends. Or his brother. After all, we're not together. That still doesn't make it a cool thing to do, and reasonable people would be hurt. Allowed =\= you're not an asshole.

Because when 20 year olds try to manhandle me I start laughing. They don't know the first thing about how to top with confidence. And because the hairlessness squicks me out. And because I like multiple orgasms. And broad chests with soft chest hair, and strong shoulders and that little tricep cut. And full beards.

I have no idea about Gerard Butler except that he looks sexy. But if he's a drunken STI-ridden asshole like you say, no wonder I think he's hot. See ex-boyfriends Exhibit A, B, and C.

Where does it say she's a slut? And normal people don't make money writing about their personal lives for the public... I'm really confused why people are all "this is private!" He's a musician. They write about their feelings for a living!

I know nothing about being famous, but I do know a lot about non-monogamy. (At least that's what I tell myself!) Yes, you know that your sexy friends are likely sexy friends with other people. You still don't expect them to get sexy with your circle, and you still expect them to consider your feelings. Like if you're

It wasn't cheating, it was bad manners. No one wants to FIND OUT that you'd rather fuck someone else. If you are a decent human, you avoid hurting someone's feeling unnecessarily. The polite thing to do when realizing you'll have two partners unavoidably in proximity is to give the one you're not seeing a heads up.

It's completely logical to be upset when someone essentially tells you that you were second choice. I have routinely had more than one partner and though I am clear about that, it's just good manners not to express your preference for someone else to them. I don't give a shit who you're fucking, but of course I don't

If artists aren't allowed to write about their emotions, what the fuck are we all going to listen to?

I'm pretty sure the song lyrics say "it would be different of we were both on tour instead of saying on the same fucking hotel floor." I commute 1.5 hours a day. Don't judge me by my radio.