
Eh, it's generally considered good casual sex friends etc NOT to bang someone else in close proximity. ESPECIALLY not someone he's friends with. You can do it, obvi, but it's a good way to hit the self-destruct button and lose the respect of some people. 3 billion men or so, try to diversify your portfolio.

Am I the only one that noticed that if all this is true, Ellie G is a bit of a bobcat? I mean, women get to cradle rob too but I'm younger than her and I think Niall looks like a child. Ed is a bit better but there are some damn foxy older men on her side of the pond... Henry Cavill anyone? Tom Hardy? Gerard Butler?

Not all people have the resources, emotional, financial, or otherwise to have children with disabilities. You cannot know what someone's life is really like. It isn't a reflection of their views towards people with disabilities. It's a reflection of their own capacity, which they know better than we do.

It's terrible that having a willing, active partner who is enjoying sex seems to be unimportant. At least, if you're Prudie. She completely ignored the fact that he was squicked out by the idea and having trouble articulating why. Here's why: if someone doesn't like your boner you should not stick it in them.

Guys, you can just say"comedians". The alcoholic part is inherent.

No. We talk about the broader context in an sentence specifically about the broader context: white people's inappropriate "support". Or would it be better to focus on only the white women in the picture and ignore that this is not an isolated phenomenon? Not mention that lots of people, men and women, are being all

Did you just put this woman's home address on blast? That seems rather... Not Fucking Cool.

Seriously. Fuck the pantsriarchy!

Bad manners? How do you police such behavior? Even being super rude and denying friend requests all the time, I have something like 300 "friends". Do you invite all your "friends" to your birthday party? Did they all dance at your wedding? Why not?

What on God's green earth?

That cat. If I could be imbued with one-eighth that amount of patience for children I would be a much better person.

Well, meat and milk do not go through years of testing and intense scientific scrutiny before being released to the public. Your premise relies on both sides being equal. The problem is that people who are entirely uneducated about how the process works are screaming conspiracy, and there is a consensus from the

Yeah, hope isn't really working here in the Bay Area. There's been a huge surge in preventable illnesses and I know at least two antivaxxers and one has a son. I do not understand how otherwise rational humans get all conspiracy theory about this. Do they think that most doctors are evil, or just stupid? *facepalm*

Well no, not really. Since I and my peer group all had it, and if the side effects were anything like what happened to those girls, it would have affected at least some of us. Since I'm a former clinic volunteer, I know that the women I worked with are highly ethical and if they had concerns or saw a pattern of side

Well, I personally know of at least four pieces that have been installed as public art, and that's not even looking it up. The Embarcadero in SF routinely hosts a piece. The experience of working on these pieces routinely launches new artists, and the skills developed are awesome. There are a ton of artist collectives

Agreed. All symptoms that cannot be validated, all within hours of each other, none remaining hospitalized? I don't want to negate their experiences either, but it makes me very nervous that this will be used to prevent other girls from getting vaccinated.

Gotcha. Sorry, was hard to tell cause like I just said that! (Petulant teenager stomp included)

Ok, didn't the first part of my comment say that? Or was that just a knee-jerk unnecessary Not All Bicyclists?

People are hit by cars all the time in San Francisco, where I live, and there are crosswalks, road signs, and bike lanes. Alcohol and drugs are usually not to blame. Driver distraction and pedestrians/bicyclists disobeying signals, definitely.

I SO feel this. I love love love some old school rap and hip hop and the woman bashing is really hard to reconcile. I don't think it's ok to say those things, and I especially don't think it's ok to hold those values up as examples to youth and society. But it sounds so good! It's the Cheetos of music. Of course I