Creeping up in your space is one thing.
Creeping up in your space is one thing.
I was working as a cocktail waitress at a place that also served dinner, and I had a table of about a dozen people one night who were going to dine and then stay for the show. At the beginning of dinner the woman who appeared to be the coordinator waved at me and said they'd be paying with a company credit card, and…
Pretty sure calling a woman (I assume) you disagree with on the internet "sweetheart" is evidence you are a misogynist troll.
Emma Watson is an incredible human being and the smartest witch of her age. I completely agree with her outreach to men to help us achieve gender equality. Men are also negatively effected by the expectations of their gender and both men and women would be better off with equality.
Yesterday, UN Women's Goodwill Ambassador and professional Hermione Granger Emma Watson appeared at the UN…
Nah I don't enjoy it unless it's over something silly...and not serious. The subject is serious yes- and I admit to posting my comment initially sucks. I admit to it. But I am no way shrugging off the topic. I could have just continued with snarky remarks and other troll like comments but after the high of COMMENT…
The cloud does come with security and all security can be breached. It takes effort. However, if someone breaks into your home and steals your shit you can say maybe you need more than two deadbolts. The difference is that the emphasis is, no matter what your security system, you were still robbed and we will launch…
I will join you in this line of thought. let's see, what else? all those people that Bernie Madoff swindled out of enormous sums, they should have just NOT HAD THAT MONEY. what were they thinking, having money... in front of a person? idiots. don't have money in front of a person! If no one had money in front of a…
Shit doesn't just happen. Not all the pictures were found on the cloud. Some creepy asshole(s) went out of his way to hack these girls.
This is like saying that if mugging victims were more aware of their surroundings, then they wouldn't have gotten mugged. You're really not that bright.
You're not necessarily "wrong" in the sense that anyone who stores any photo on the cloud is indeed at risk of possibly being hacked. We're all always at risk, all the time, whether it's uploading photos to the cloud or using a credit card or having any kind of online presence that includes personal information. Such…
Well if Dems always say she's too conservative and Repubs always say she's a leftist commie, that makes her about right in my book. You have to give and take in politics and she talks about that in her book I just read, Living History. The people from liberal nonprofits and other liberal organizations who supported…
What the fuck does this have to do with rape victims?
I'm so sorry. I am a survivor of abuse, too (and white, middle class, had-everything-going-for-me-besides-this). I kept clinging to the part of him I was in love with, and each transgression seemed isolated. And I forgot about them, or got confused - because he knew how to manipulate my reality; he knew how to make me…
I mention this in more depth above, but that's what gets me - we mock victims of abuse for being weak-willed and willing to stay with their abuser, but when it's someone who can be assertive or, even, a bitch sometimes, then there's no way it was "real" abuse because she probably did something to provoke him, and she…
And all that outspokenness, confidence, assertive feminism that make you a "strong women" who would never "let" anything like that happen to you suddenly becomes evidence that you probably shot your mouth off and provoked him in some way, because everyone knows how hot your temper can run as well. So if you do try to…
I relate 100% to everything you said, and I am so sorry that it happened. Thank you for sharing. I know sending internet hugs aren't enough, but I hope they help.
It's okay though. I remember when this happened to Givens, and a lot of what we heard about her was how "smug" and "awful" and "stuck-up" etc, etc, etc, she was. You know that side of it at least, even if it doesn't for you also carry the subtext of the Uppity Negress.
UGh that wording: "what you let happen". Thank you for putting that into those words. That's really the message we get, isn't it?