
ugh. Yes. Especially what she said about black women being protective of black men and wanting to protect them from white people. We do that all the time to an almost pathological degree. We see white men gun them down and white women placing the blame on them in order to absolve themselves of their wrong doing, so we



"Are you out of the greys on Jezebel? Because if you're not, I would find that quite crippling. I cannot be seen with a grey."

Ehhhh...feelings aren't logical.

"Relationships" being the key word. I'm talking about fucking. You don't fuck someone your friend/family member is fucking until it's over. Male or female, it doesn't matter.

"Not exclusive" does not translate to "Fuck my friends".

"I never intended to be next, but you didn't need to take him to bed, that's all."

I mean, I had a recollection of a rumor concerning this issue, but I was just...I never expected...this is just beyond...

I know my first reaction was like "oh look at you doing a thingwaitaminute"

I... that... that... what

Oh. Well, Jared Leto...isn't that something.

What's really weird is that this isn't technically revenge porn. He didn't upload it because his ex pissed him off. . . he uploaded a video of someone he was happily in a relationship with.

Right, I just don't see how it was the first time. Abuse doesn't typically start with two fists to the face. It starts slower; a push, an arm grab, then eventually a hit, then a long while before another hit. Plus, the way he so nonchalantly drags her out of the elevator and tries to just sit her up....those are not

No. What Deadspin and ESPN are doing, reporting on how the NFL failed to act appropriately to an ugly domestic violence incident, is not as bad the domestic violence itself. Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

A-fucking-men! My pregnancy was totally normal, no major complications, and I HATED every minute of it. I cannot fathom doing that if you weren't 100% on board with having a kid. And then, after the most trying physical trial I've ever been through, I have to raise an entire human from the ground up? I can barely keep

If there really is someone who had 7 abortions please don't stop her from having more. Doesn't it occur to the pearl clutching anti-abortionists that someone that ignorant shouldn't be raising a child? If someone is so stupid as to choose to have abortions rather than take a pill or have a IUD implanted, no one

She should have all the abortions she wants. Are you going to raises her children? Do you think forcing a woman to raise a child she does not want is best for the kid? Why punish the baby?

Making this about myself for a second.