
So in a typical city of 70k, drugs and alcohol are involved in every vehicular death? No? Not there either.

Yeah, once a year. All that art and music is conceived, funded, designed, and built in a week. Have you ever built a piece of art? Created a pottery bowl? 40 foot tall steel sculptures and interactive light installations and entire buildings are not a "once a year" thing. They take months and sometimes years to create

Isn't any surgery involving anesthesia and a 70 year old something that is done in a hospital??

So two things: 1) places like this typically take hell of long to get your food to you, and you've woken up late and usually waited an hour to get seated. 2) there is a magical level of drunk that happens when you wake up a little drunk, get your ass to brunch, have your first drink and are blammo! Back to Saturday

I know!!!! "Hmm, whachu doin'? Aww shit, copying Mommy, so friggin cute! Who saw that?! She's an angel."

I think he may have been having a seizure.

Except she's a) not a child b) not his child and c) he has no problem with strippers apparently according to his music video. That's like saying, ew, I don't think it's cool to do x and I don't respect people who do, but I will exploit the shit out of them. You don't get to simultaneously judge and participate in

Well you can't blame him for going the self-defense route. Him being white, her not - pretty much always works for everyone else. You know, because we live in the NRA.. Ahem I meant USA. Being black being practically the most criminal thing you can do. (sidebar - is this the point where we start considering moving?

Great, a rapist with a gun and a badge and a totally justified sense of invincibility. "Nothing to fear here folks, move along."

Also, he littered! Jaywalked! Shoplifted! And was just an all around terrible person, so who cares what he did!

"First time commenter, long time batshit crazy." There, fixed.

Totally agree. A little pot for nausea is not going to hurt the baby but people get ALL crazy about pregnant women doing just about anything. Just wait until the next time you stop in a Starbucks to grab something. And doctors are mandated reporters, so even if she thinks it's fine she might go the safe route to

Hey now. I don't have one (attached) and I can tell you just about all there is to know about how dicks work. Ladybits are more complex, I grant you.

Trust me, if you got the job to look at vaginas all day, you would quite quickly get over it. I love mine and them in general, but broken vaginas are all kinds of fucked up and nobody normal gets off on seeing that. It is about as unsexy as anything can be. Our country is unfortunately full of people who were not

I feel like prizes for everyone is a parental cop-out, like telling your kid the cat "went to live on a farm". It's avoiding teaching kids that you don't always get what you want, sometimes even when you try really hard. Sometimes assholes win and you lose and also sometimes you're just not good enough (yet).

Hmmm, I wonder where all those douchebags apologists crying, "why didn't you just call the cops?" are now? Bueller? Bueller?

Backpedal, backpedal. ;)

I know. Guys just don't understand why it's not safe to travel alone. Some fucking loser can just be a complete subhuman and in all likelihood nothing will happen to him. I don't know what universe these people are living in where we aren't in danger and justice is always done.

I'm so sorry. How horrible. And people act like we're crazy for being so on guard all the time!

I love how people write long comments to strangers about how writing about something is a waste of time. It's so.... Meta.